1 HDF-EOS Status and Development Larry Klein, Abe Taaheri, and Cid Praderas L-3 Communications Government Services, Inc. November 30, 2005
2 HDF-EOS Support Maintenance support is funded on EMD through July 2006 and will be extended until July 2008 Current staff - one full time for TOOLKIT/HDF-EOS, HDF-EOS plug-in for HDFView, and other related software maintenance and development -one full time for HEG development and maintenance
3 ECS Support of HDF-EOS Both HDF4 and HDF5 based flavors of HDF- EOS are part of ECS baseline. OS’s: Solaris (8, 9, 10), Irix6.5, HP 11, AIX, DEC, Windows NT/98/2000/XP, Linux (including 64-bit Opteron and Itanium), Mac OS X, adding Cygwin support Compilers: FORTRAN 77/90 & g77/pgf90, C, C++, gcc, g++ Size limit per granule is 2 GB for HDF-EOS2
4 Software Releases Last release May 05: TOOLKIT , HDF-EOS 2.13, HDF-EOS5.1.9 with HDF , Szip1.2 Oct. 05: HDF-EOS Plug-in for HDFView2.2 Nov. 05: HEG 2.6 with new web site Home (news on new versions, new features, etc.) Image Gallery Download (Linux, Sun, Sgi, Windows, Mac) Supported Product List FAQ Next release – Dec TOOLKIT , HDF-EOS 2.14, HDF-EOS with HDF , Szip2.0, Zlib HDF-EOS Plug-in for HDFView2.3
5 Since October, 2004 Dynamic ( 32KB chuncks ) buffer allocation for Structure Metadata was made backward compatible Numerous bug fixes and improvements such as: - Swath subsetting for single scan line - increased MAXNREGIONS for swath subsetting from 32 to Added routines to inquire alias list for fields in swath, grid, and Zonal Average objects. Performance improvement by holding Structure Metadata in memory, avoiding multiple readings & string manipulations. Major HDF-EOS5 Development
6 Added “ Cylindrical Equal Area ” Projection for EASE Grid Added numerous FORTRAN wrappers & inquiry routines Support for HDF-EOS2/HDF-EOS5 in Windows Support for Linux RedHat Enterprise Round off problem fixes for projection parameters in the structure metadata during writing to an output file, eliminating loss of significant digits after decimal point (important when the parameters are very small, such as the eccentricity squared).
7 SDP Toolkit Last Release: May 05, version Modified several files for proper comparison of float and double variables, instead of using “==”, resolving problems when comparing what is stored in a 64-bit memory with what is stored in 80-bit internal register in an Intel-chip-based machines (Problem was reported by OMI team) Modified PGS_EPH_getAttitRecords.c to detect any erroneous/corrupt attitude and/or ephemeris data files Support for Linux RedHat Enterprise Support for HDF4.2r0 and HDF and SZIP2.0
8 SDP Toolkit ( Cont.) Next Release: Dec. 05, version Support for Solaris 9 & 10 Fixes to chkeph tool to handle both Big-Endian and Little-Endian binary ephemeris files. Support for SGI compiler Support for HDF4.2r1 and HDF Memory leak fixes in DEM testdrivers
9 HDF-EOS/Toolkit/HEG Future Plans : Support for Cygwin Support for HDF4.2r2 and HDF5-1.8 Performance improvement, if possible, for reading HDF format ephemeris/attitude files in Toolkit Performance improvement in HDF-EOS5 by redesigning some functions More functionalities in HDF-EOS Plug-in for HDFView: -Format conversion: HDF-EOS2 -> HDF-EOS5 - Improved Help Window -Ability to modify input HDF-EOS2 granules. - Ability to cut/paste objects, modify/delete attributes. - Ability to create new grids/swaths
10 A utility that converts EOSDIS data from HDF-EOS format to common Geographical Information System (GIS)-compatible formats. Two versions available: –A downloadable desktop version –Access through NASA archive online storage (Data Pools) HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Converter (HEG)
11 HEG Functionality Subsetting ( spatial, field, band ) Performs conversion to a single-band or multi-band GeoTIFF’s HDF-EOS output with multi-bands in single object HDF-EOS Swath to HDF-EOS Grid or Swath HDF-EOS Swath or Grid to GeoTIFF ( with metadata file ) HDF-EOS Swath or Grid to generic Binary ( with metadata file ) Stitching ( mosaicing ) + subsetting + Reprojecting Running from Command Line (batch jobs) or with Java- based GUI Reprojection ( to UTM, PS, TM, STP, LCC, LAMAZ, GEO, SIN ) Subsampling ( Subsample stacks )
12 HEG Functionality Metadata preservation/creation. Currently supports MODIS, MISR, ASTER, AIRS and AMSR-E products on TERRA and AQUA (>110 products), AURA/HDF-EOS5 support in progress Allows file selection from users local storage Operable on Sun, SGI, Win, Linux (64-bit soon), MAC Integrated into ECS Data Pool –Reduces the transfer time of HDF-EOS data sets (if subset is requested) –Provides the end-user with the exact file required by their application User Interface –Portable, written in Java. –Not dependent on COTS (eg. IDL).
13 Availability Access to libraries and applications: