High 6 CDR
Group Members Kirk Chan Brian Troili Ali Mizan Laura Rubio-Perez
Project Introduction
Motivation Fresh idea to the UCF community This project has the potential to help the speech impaired Based on the research, technologies necessary were interesting –Machine learning –Personal taste
Goals We want the following key factors: HARDWARESOFTWARE ●Low-power●Android ●Lightweight●Accurate & fast translations ●Wireless●Support text & audio translations
Specifications ComponentDesign Specification Hand gesture translationLess than 1s Glove weightLess than 1.5lbs Battery life (from one charge)At least 5hr Application startupWithin 3s Setup Bluetooth connectionWithin 10s Bluetooth connection rangeUp to 50m Default gesture libraryAmerican 26 letters, 10 numbers
Design Approach
Design Overview
Hardware Components
Flex Sensors ▪Able to detect changes in bend/flex ▪Changes its resistance at several points along the device ▪When a current is applied, it creates a voltage divider Hardware Components
Pressure Sensors ▪Acts as a force sensing resistor ▪When the sensor is unloaded, its resistance is very high ▪When pressure is applied, its resistance decreases
Hardware Components Analog/Digital Converter (ADC) Serial communication preferred. Large number of input channels. Avoid serial address conflict. - ADS7828 ➔ I2C compatible ➔ 8 Channel ADC ➔ variable I2C address
Hardware Components Analog/Digital Converter (ADC) Serial communication preferred. Large number of input channels. Avoid serial address conflict. - ADS7828 ➔ I2C compatible ➔ 8 Channel ADC ➔ variable I2C address
Hardware Components Accelerometer and Gyroscope –Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) –Speed demand allow for serial buses. - ITG3200/ADXL345 combo board ➔ 3.3V input ➔ I2C compatible ➔ 3 axis each ➔ calibrate to 2, 4, 8, and 16g
Hardware Components Wireless Communication WifiBluetoothNFC Secure connectionPortable connectionLow power Approx. 100m range Approx. 7-8in
Hardware Components Wireless Communication WifiBluetoothNFC Secure connectionPortable connectionLow power Approx. 100m range Approx. 7-8in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ● Low power consumption ● Approx. 50m range
Hardware Components BLE TTL Transceiver Bluetooth v V input voltage Approximately $6 Customizable Baud Rate
Hardware Components Microcontroller MSP430ATmega328pATmega32u4 Operating Voltage3.3V5V5.5V Digital I/O Pins Analog Input Pins126 Clock Speed16MHz ArchitectureRISC
Hardware Components Microcontroller MSP430ATmega328pATmega32u4 Operating Voltage3.3V5V5.5V Digital I/O Pins Analog Input Pins126 Clock Speed16MHz ArchitectureRISC
Hardware Components Development Environment Arduino IDECode Composer Free Open source (Unlimited support )Limited support Extensive librariesDirect access to control registers avr-gcc compilerC/C++ compilers and assembly
Hardware Components Development Environment Arduino IDECode Composer Free Open source (Unlimited support )Limited support Extensive librariesDirect access to control registers avr-gcc compilerC/C++ compilers and assembly
Hardware components Li-ion Batteries ▪Small size and lightweight ▪High energy density ▪Capacity gradually declines ▪Can drop below regulated voltage
Hardware components Switching Regulator Advantages: ❏ Efficiency ❏ Minimal power dissipated ❏ Minimal switch duty-cycle Disadvantages: ❏ Voltage ripple ❏ Complexity of external passive components on board
Hardware components LM2576 Switching Regulator: ●Step down switching regulator ●Vin range: 4V - 40V ●Vout range: 3.3V - 37V
Software Components
Android vs iPhone Android –Can be developed on Windows, Mac, and Linux –Apps written in Java iPhone –Can only be developed in Mac –Apps written in objective C –Apple development software only works with other apple development software
Android IDEs IntelliJ (free version) Advantages: –Less buggy –More intuitive –Faster –Better GUI Disadvantages: –Java, Groovy, or Scala are only 3 languages supported in free version Eclipse Advantages: –More plug-ins available –More commonly used Disadvantages: – Has bugs and crashes a lot
Application Features
Class Diagram
Software Components Two main components: –Android Application is the interface between the user and the machine learning algorithm –Takes in raw data from glove –Displays letter on screen –Translator There is no way to learn every single sign language gesture with 100% accuracy. Machine learning gives ~95% accuracy. Uses learning algorithm to learn from examples
Machine Learning General Overview –Uses data in order to approximate target function –Uses examples to determine which hypothesis is closest approximation of unknown target function 3 popular types –Regression –Classification –Clustering
Machine Learning Algorithm chosen Advantage of Hidden Markov Model –No need for segmentation –Very robust towards small changes in motion –History of being used for language recognition Facts and image taken from IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 20, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1998
Budget DESCRIPTIONQTYPRICE Flex sensors11$ Axis Gyro/Accelerometer1$13.00 Pressure sensors4$75.00 Glove1$20.00 Bluetooth module1$12.00 Li-Ion Batteries2$12.00 Recharging Battery Dock1$ Layer PCB1$33.00 PCB1$ Microcontroller1$50.00 Boeing sponsorship-- $ TOTAL-$0.00
Financing up to date Boeing Sponsorship DESCRIPTIONQTYPRICE Flex sensors 2.2”11$79.50 IMU Digital Combo Board (3-Axis Gyro/Accelerometer)1$51.96 Flexiforce Pressure Sensors4$79.80 Bluetooth module (Free)1$0.00 Microcontroller (Atmega 328P)1$37.97 TOTAL-$ Boeing sponsorship-- $ Total Available from Sponsorship-$268.77
Issues The Hidden Markov Model is very complicated to both understand and implement Training the algorithm Varying hand sizes BLE is relatively new and requires more research
Approaching the issues Implementation of Hidden Markov Reading and researching Varying Hand size issue Smooth the trajectory, hand shape, and orientation Creating tolerances for hand gestures (for flexion) BLE Research or switching to classic Bluetooth (version 3.0)