Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 SSID ENROLLMENT Course Introduction Essential 3
Who’s Supposed to Be Here Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013
Training Sequence Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Essential 1: Overview & Requirements Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Fall 1Fall 2 End of Year 2 & 3 End of Year 1& 4 Spring 1 Essential 4: Anomalies
Rules Mute yourself HOLD Name & LEA conversation at a time 1 Silence cell phones Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013
Please do not multitask Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Courtesy
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Course Description COURSE OBJECTIVES Participants will understand how to ….. Look up existing SSIDs Assign and maintain SSIDs Enroll new students in CALPADS Update existing student’s enrollments Enter and maintain Student Information Demographics, Ethnicity, Primary Language, Address etc. Enter and maintain Student Programs Review and resolve submission errors
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Course Description COURSE MODULES This course is modularized to allow for use in local training that is focused only on specific topics appropriate for a particular audience. The modules include ….. 3a – SSID ENROLLMENT Capabilities and Key Concepts 3b – SSID ENROLLMENT - ONLINE 3c – SSID ENROLLMENT - BATCH
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Key Concepts ONLINE VS BATCH Batch Online One student at a time Edit data manually in CALPADS portal One or more students Enter data in SIS or Excel; then upload extract using CALPADS portal CALPADS validates online & batch transactions using the same process
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Introduction These files are used to enroll students and maintain their Profiles. They can be files from your SIS (consult with your SIS vendor) or an Excel Spreadsheet (instructions will be provided). Student Enrollment - SENR Student Information - SINF Student Program – SPRG FILE PROCESSING The fields and their relationships are defined in the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS)
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Enrolling new Students Step 1: Prepare Data (SSID Enrollment) – pp Step 2: Upload Files – pp Step 3: View Submission Status – pp Step 4: View and Post Passed Records – pp Step 5: Resolve and Post SSID Candidate Records – pp Step 6: Resolve Rejected Records – pp Step 7: Correct Rejected Records – pp Step 8: Reload Rejected Records – p. 50 STEPS FOR SSID BATCH ENROLLMENT The steps to enroll students data are …..
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Modify Existing Student’s Enrollment Step 1: Prepare Data (SSID Enrollment, Student Information, Student Program) – p. 21 Step 2: Upload Files – pp Step 3: View Submission Status – pp Step 4: View and Post Passed Records –pp Step 5: Resolve SSID Candidates/Post Records – pp Step 6: Resolve Rejected Records – pp Step 7: Correct Rejected Records – pp Step 8: Reload Rejected Records – p. 50 STEPS FOR SSID BATCH MAINTENANCE The steps to modify students’ data are the same as the steps to enroll students, except that there is no step to Resolve SSID Candidates
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Modify Existing Student’s Data Step 1: Prepare Data (SSID Enrollment, Student Information, Student Program) Step 2: Upload Files Step 3: View Submission Status Step 4: View and Post Passed Records Step 5: Review Rejected Records Step 6: Correct Rejected Records Step 7: Reload Rejected Records STEPS FOR BATCH MAINTENANCE The steps to modify students’ data (students with SSIDs) are the same as the steps to enroll students, except that there is no step to Resolve SSID Candidates
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Enroll Student Step 3: View Submission Status File Status States DispositionDescription Upload Failed File did not pass the initial upload validations or rules processing In Queue File did pass the initial upload validations/rules processing and is waiting to be processed (Queue: the process waiting line for files) On Hold CDE has placed the file in a delay-process state In Process File is currently being processed by the system Ready for Review File has completed the initial submission processing and is ready for an authorized to review the results In Review File has completed the initial submission processing and an authorized user has reviewed the results, but has not made a selection on one or more sets of records in the file requiring user interaction Complete Passed records of a submitted file have been successfully processed and posted to the ODS Excluded Submitted records for a site(s) was (were) removed from the submission process and not posted to the ODS A file may be in one of the following possible states after the upload process or during the batch submission process
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Enroll Student Disposition Codes DispositionDescription ReadyReady for selection SelectedA selection of an SSID or New SSID has been made PostedThe selected record and its resolution has been posted CancelledThe “None of the Above” option was selected FailedThe selected record and its resolution failed validation and were not posted Step 5: Resolve SSID Candidates/Post Records (cont)
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Support CALPADS URL – CALPADS Support – CALPADS Service Desk Request Form (preferred contact method) – – CALPADS Operations Office (Admin. Account Support) – – CALPADS-LEA Listserv (one-way) – Support Information
Support Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Web: Phone: Listserv:
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Training Evaluation Please complete our survey
Essential 3 - SSID Enrollment Course Introduction v1.0, September 3, 2013 Questions