Diesel Efficiency Ryan Macaluso & Wayne LaDow Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Texas at Austin Fall 2006
Outline Diesel Fuel Engine Mechanics Engine Thermodynamics Modern Diesel Engines Future Advancements
Fuels GasolineDiesel
Spark Ignition
Compression Ignition
Engine Thermodynamics Otto Cycle –Thermodynamic cycle most widely used in modern spark-ignited combustion engines Diesel Cycle –Thermodynamic cycle used in diesel engines accounting for the different properties of diesel fuel. –Thermodynamic cyclesThermodynamic cycles
Modern Diesel Engines Piezo-electric Injectors –Allows for finer control of injection timing and amount of diesel injected
Modern Diesel Engines Common Rail Fuel Systems –Common source of evenly-mixed, high pressure fuel delivered to each injector in a finer spray than original fuel pumps
Future Advancements Atkinson Cycle –Sacrifices power for efficiency –Used presently in several hybrid vehicles