Physics in Initial Years at ALICE Kenta Shigaki, Hiroshima University (ALICE Collaboration) 30, October 2007 Workshop on Phenomenology of QGP in Heavy Ion Collisions: from SPS and RHIC to LHC at RCNP, Osaka University
LHC/ALICE/PHOS status and plans physics via photons in initial few years at ALICE neutral mesons pQCD photons thermal photons ALICE/PHOS news physics at PHENIX in parallel to ALICE summary and concluding remarks Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - Presentation Outline - 30, October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - Plans at LHC/ALICE - last cryo-dipole installated in August 2007 LHC start up plan 2008/04accelerator/experiments closed 2008/05beam commissioning 2008/07p+p, s = 14 TeV, first collision 2008/endp+p, s = 14 TeV, cm 2 s 1 soon after ?Pb+Pb, s NN = 5.5 TeV, 5×10 25 cm 2 s 1 expectation in initial few years p+p s = 14 TeV, < cm 2 s 1 at ALICE Pb+Pb s = 5.5 TeV, cm 2 s 1, 2 – 3 years “p”+Pb s = 8.8 TeV, cm 2 s 1, 1 year Ar+Ar s = 6.3 TeV, cm 2 s 1, 1 year 30, October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - ALICE: A Large Ion Collider Experiment - the heavy ion experiment at LHC 30 countries, 90 institutions, ~1,015 members 1000 th ALICE member 30, October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - ALICE ≈ STAR + PHENIX - (charged particles) µ arm central barrel: 0.9 < < 0.9 tracking and particle identification in full azimuth partial coverage of HMPID, PHOS, EMCal forward arm: 4 < < 2.4 multiplicity: 3 < < , October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - ALICE Photon Spectrometer: PHOS - photons, neutral mesons, jet tagging + level 0 and level 1 trigger capability high resolution, high granularity /E ~ 3 %/ E up to 100 GeV PbWO 4 of 22 (1.0 R Moliere )×22×180 (20 X 0 ) mm 3 APD + charge sensitive preamplifier readout temperature controlled at 25 0.1 ˚C | | < 0.12, = 100 degrees 56×64×5 modules 17,920 crystals, 12.5 t 30, October
- PHOS #1 (Out of 5) - waiting for installation in 2 weeks Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 30, October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - ALICE/PHOS Start Up Timeline /11/12 – 14PHOS #1 installation 2007/12/02PHOS #2 ready (?) 2007/12/10 – 21magnet test 2007/12/10 – 21cosmic test run 2008/01/08 –TPC commissioning 2008/02cosmic run 2008/02/08PHOS #3 ready (?) 2008/04LHC/ALICE closed 2008/07 –physics run by 2009 ?PHOS #4, #5 installed 30, October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - Physics via Photons at LHC - vital probe of initial hot dense phase thermal photons… temperature thermal photon HBT… space-time evolution direct photons… pQCD processes + jet tagging neutral mesons… quark energy loss experimental virtues photons and neutral mesons in same detector particle identification to very high p t even more powerful at LHC than ever large rates up to ~ 100 GeV 30, October thermal ~ e E/T hadron decays jet-medium interaction jet-photon conversion bremsstrahlung pQCD processes ~ p T n compton scattering annihilation fragmentation
- Physics Topic #1: Neutral Mesons - first piece of physics enough acceptance with 2 – 3 PHOS modules stronger quenching and higher p t reach clearer measurement of quark energy loss leading to less background for direct photons Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 9 30, October 2007
- Physics Topic #2: pQCD Photons - Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 10 30, October 2007 K.J.Eskola et al., NPB535 (1998) 351 F.Arleo, hep-ph/ (2006) direct photons at RHIC consistent with pQCD consistent with simple accumulation of p+p consistent with structure function modification consistent with/without quenched fragmentation
- Quenched Fragmentation at LHC - pQCD photons to be suppressed significantly another view of quark energy loss leading to less background for thermal photons Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 11 30, October 2007 ~ 60 % suppression at 10 GeV/c F.Arleo, hep-ph/ (2007)
- Physics Topic #3: Thermal Photons - Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 12 30, October 2007 indirect measurement at PHENIX suggesting thermal component of 300 – 500 MeV high quality direct measurement at ALICE longer life of thermalized high temperature phase background photons suppressed due to quenching superb PHOS detector
- Direct Photon Yield Predictions - p t direct/decaydirect/decaythermal/decaythermal/decay (GeV/c)w/o suppression80% suppressionw/o suppression80% suppression 3 [1] 4 – 10 % 4 – 10 % 3 – 9 % 3 – 9 % [2] 5 – 9 % 5 – 9 % 5 – 9 % 5 – 9 % [3] 5 – 10 % 5 – 10 % 4 – 8 % 4 – 8 % 5 [1] 6 – 12 % 12 – 25 % 3 – 9 % 6 – 18 % [2] 6 – 10 % 12 – 20 % 3 – 5 % 6 – 10 % [3] 11 – 15 % 20 – 30 % 7 – 12 % 14 – 22 % 10 [1] ~ 10 % ~ 50 % ~ 5 % ~ 25 % [2] ~ 10 % ~ 50 % < 1 % < 5 % [4] 25 – 30 % 15 – 20 % [1]F.Arleo et al., hep-ph/ [2]F.Arleo, D.d’Enterria, D.Peressounko, nucl-th/ [3]S.Turbide, R.Rapp, C.Gale, hep-ph/ [4]S.Turbide, C.Gale, S.Y.Jeon, G.D.Moore, hep-ph/ Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 13 30, October 2007
- Expectation at a Glance - predicted fraction of direct/decay photons Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 14 30, October 2007
- Limiting Factors in Photon Measurement - Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 15 30, October 2007 0 p t (GeV/c) Peak extraction (%) Acceptance (%)4.0 PID efficiency (%) Energy scale linear (%) Energy scale non linear (%) Merging (%) Non vertex (%)1.5 Conversion (%)2.5 Total (%) major systematic error sources in PHENIX conversion (uncertainty in amount of material) off-vertex photon (uncertainty in amount of material) acceptance (uncertainty in bad module map) calibration and linearity efficiency (uncertainty in reconstruction probability) charged/neutral hadron contamination peak extraction (uncertainty in background shape)
- Extrapolated Systematic Errors - extrapolated from PHENIX/EMC to ALICE/PHOS based on expected PHOS performance Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 16 30, October 2007 0 p t (GeV/c) Peak extraction (%) Acceptance (%)1.0 PID efficiency (%) Energy scale linear (%)4.0 Energy scale non linear (%) Merging (%)0.0 Non vertex (%)2.0 Conversion (%)3.4 Total (%) p t (GeV/c) Peak extraction (%) Charged contamination (%)2.4 Neutron contamination (%) Other mesons contribution (%) Acceptance (%)0.7 PID efficiency (%) Energy scale non linear (%) Merging (%)0.0 Non vertex (%)2.0 Conversion (%)1.8 Total (%)
- Potential at a Glance - expected sensitivity versus theory prediction Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 17 30, October 2007
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - Thick Detectors in Front of PHOS: TRD+TOF - 30, October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - Transition Radiation Detector - tracking and particle identification 400 – 600 m resolution in r , 23 mm in z e/ separation > 100 at p t > 3 GeV/c | | < 0.9, full azimuth 30, October
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - Time of Flight Detector - multi-gap resistive plate chamber (MRPC) time resolution < 100 ps | | < 0.9, full azimuth; 3.7 m from beam axis 30, October
- Material Budget Comparison - material budget in front of EM calorimeter WA8011 % WA – 10 % PHENIX15 % STAR10 % D015 % material in front of PHOS ITS+TPC w/o TRD+TOF20 % ITS+TPC and TRD+TOF in technical design report40 % ITS+TPC and TRD+TOF in current design85 % Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 21 30, October 2007
- Radiation Length Map - Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 22 30, October 2007
- Problems Due to TRD/TOF Materials - Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 23 30, October 2007 loss of photon statistics factor ~ 2 for single photons significant especially in hard high p t region leading to lower p t reach extra systematic errors factor ~ 3 on neutral meson yield due to factor ~ 3 lower S/N ratio for photon pairs leading to increased (major) systematic error extra background photons factor ~ 4 of off-vertex photons leading to increased systematic error
- Potential at another Glance - reevaluated sensitivity versus theory prediction ~ fatal for direct photon measurement need to recover physics capability Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 24 30, October 2007
- News: Good Sign for Resolution - Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop 25 30, October 2007 proposal to reduce material in front of PHOS backed up by (partly reviewed) physics arguments contributions from Hiroshima based on PHENIX experiences “holes” recommended and agreed in 3 (out of 5) TRD+TOF modules in front of PHOS on ALICE management board on 2007/10/04 “hole” in reality yet to be defined
Physics in Initial Years at ALICE / K.Shigaki / RCNP Workshop - Summary and Concluding Remarks - LHC/ALICE starting in summer, 2008 uniquely suitable for hard (and/or heavy) probes opening new ground for “soft” photonic probes many physics via photons planned in initial years suggestions/comments more than welcome penetrating probes never easy to measure material issue against PHOS being solved Hiroshima in full commitment on ALICE/PHOS based on old (PHENIX) and new (R&D) expertise along with still exciting physics at RHIC/PHENIX 30, October