A comparison of air quality simulated by LOTO-EUROS driven by Harmonie and ECMWF using observations from Cabauw Jieying Ding, Ujjwal Kumar, Henk Eskes,


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Presentation transcript:

A comparison of air quality simulated by LOTO-EUROS driven by Harmonie and ECMWF using observations from Cabauw Jieying Ding, Ujjwal Kumar, Henk Eskes, Henk Klein- Baltink

 The motivation and background  The model set up  Comparison :  Meteorological variables  Air quality variables  Conclusions Outline of our talk

 Current air quality forecasts by LOTOS-EUROS is driven by ECMWF meteorology which is available at coarse resolution (~15 km)  HARMONIE meteorology is available at a very high resolution at ~2.5 km. HARMONIE is the new high resolution numerical weather model operational at KNMI since 7 Dec  The purpose of this study is to evaluate LOTOS- EUROS driven by HARMONIE and ECMWF meteorology using (Cabauw) observations Motivation and Background

 What are the differences of meteorological variables between ECMWF and Harmonie?  What are the differences of air quality simulations using two meteorological drivers?  How do the differences of meteorological conditions affect the air quality in LOTOS-EUROS? Research questions

The main meteorological variables affect air quality processes in LOTOS-EUROS

 Time : June to August , 2012  LOTOS-EUROS was run for the target domain (0 0 E E, 49 0 N N) at the high resolution (~3.5 km) using HARMONIE meteorology (available at 2.5 km resolution)  LOTOS-EUROS was also run for the target domain at ~3.5 km resolution using ECMWF meteorology (available at ~15 km resolution).  Chemical boundary conditions are from MACC: Model set up

 Meteo ( KNMI ) : 10 stations  Air quality ( LML of RIVM ) : 8 regional background stations Observation data

 Surface temperature Comparison: Meteorological variables

Relative humidity

Wind speed

Boundary layer height


 The surface temperature difference between two meteorological models is around 1.5 to 2 K.  The differences of surface relative humidity, wind speed between two models are large, at least above 10%.  The boundary layer height simulated by Harmonie is low compared to observations.  Apart from the boundary layer height, it is hard to show which meteo model is better.  The difference in air quality results between the two simulations is large. The RMS difference for ozone is 20ug/m3. Conclusions

Any questions?