APEC CLIMATE NETWORK (APCN) Proposed by The Republic of Korea Workshop on Meteorological and Hydrological Cooperation within APEC Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA January 12, 2001
MOTIVATION Many parts of the world have experienced serious natural disasters associated with unusual weather and climate. Urgent actions are called for the development of climate early warning system and sharing of the advanced meteorological techniques and climate information to improve monitoring of the climate system in order to lessen natural disasters.
PURPOSE To establish a climate network for the exchange of real-time climate information among the APEC member economies. To reduce natural disasters related to unusual climate in the Asian-Pacific Region by enhancing emergency preparedness and capacity building in climate system monitoring.
BRIEF HISTORY Proposed at the Third APEC Ministers Conference on Regional Science and Technology Cooperation (21-23 October 1998, Mexico City) Submitted the proposal to the 16 th APEC ISTWG (March 1999, Hong Kong) Approved at the 17 th APEC ISTWG meeting (August 1999, Seattle) - Cosponsor economies : Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Viet Nam
STRUCTURE APCN Steering Committee Policy Making / Fund Raising / Secretariat APCN Working Groups Climate Information Multi-Model Ensemble Networking Analysis & Information Dissemination International Scientific Symposium Link with WMO/WCRP activities
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Step 1 Experimental Multi-Model Ensemble Project Step 2 Establish Visiting Scientist Program Step 3 Organize Steering Committee
Korea Japan China U.S.A Canada Australia Russia Philippines Brunei Malaysia Singapore Mexico Chile Chinese Taipei New Zealand Thailand Hong Kong Peru Viet Nam PNG Indonesia APEC Member Economies
MULTI-MODEL ENSEMBLE PROJECT Model APEC Dynamic Holder Member Economies InformationDissemination KMA Visiting Scientist Program Australia Chinese Taipei CanadaJapan ChinaRussia KoreaUS
APEC Participants Dynamic Model APEC Member EconomiesContact PersonsOrganization AustraliaDr. Mary E. Voice Bureau of Meteorology Brunei DarussalamMs. Rosita Abdullah Brunei Meteorological Services CanadaDr. Bruce Angle Meteorological Service of Canada ChileDr. Jorge Carrasco Cerda Direccion Meteorologica de Chile China/NCC Prof. Ding Yihui Dr. Li Weijing China Meteorological Administration China/IAP Prof. Huang, Ronghui Dr. Zhao-Hui, Lin Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hong Kong, ChinaMs. Ching-yee Wong Hong Kong Observatory IndonesiaDr. Paulus Agus Winarso Meteorological and Geophysical Agency JapanDr. Koichi Kurihara Japan Meteorological Agency KoreaDr. Chung-Kyu Park Korea Meteorological Administration MalaysiaMs. Zam Bt Ab Karim Malaysian Meteorological Service MexicoDr. Efrain Aceves-Pi Servicio Meteorologico Nacional New ZealandMs. Angela Clark Meteorological Service of New Zealand Papua New GuineaMr. Kialou Anggat National Weather Service PeruMr. Javier Ramirez Gaston Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia (SENAMHI) PhilippinesDr. Aida M. Jose Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA ) Russian Federation Dr. Alexei A. Maximov Alexander V. Frolov Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorological And Environmental Monitoring SingaporeMr. Lim Tian Kuay Meteorological Service Singapore Chinese Taipei Dr. Ming-Dean Cheng Central Weather Bureau ThailandMs. Muntana Brikshavana Meteorological Department US/NCEPDr. J. E. Schemm Climate Prediction Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA US/IRIDr. Chester F. Ropelewski International Research Institute for Climate Prediction US/NASA Dr. Max Suarez Dr. Siegfried Schubert NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Viet NamMr. Quoc Khanh Bui Hydrometeorological Service of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam WMOMichael J. Coughlan Climate Activities Programmes
60N 40N 20N EQ 20S 40S 60E 80E 100E120E 140E 160E 180 JP-US(TransPAC)35Mbps JP-SG(APII)8Mbps Asian-Pacific Advanced Network
EXPECTED EFFECTS Providing counter-measurements against natural disaster related to unusual climate over the Asian-Pacific region through real-time exchange of climate information. Enhancing the capacity building in monitoring and prediction of unusual weather and climate in the APEC member economies. Sharing high-cost climate data and information produced in major climate centers.
FUTURE PLAN APCN working group meeting (15-18 May 2001, Seoul) International scientific symposium Beginning to exchange the real-time climate prediction information among the APEC member economies (from 2002) APCN steering committee meeting