Title 36pt Georgia Subtitle 24pt Georgia Italics Presentation Information Arial Narrow 24pt Survey of Aviation Emissions Management Measures Ted Milczarek APEC Aviation Emissions Task Force Meeting 2 Singapore, September 2009
Origin and Purpose First Task Force meeting in Auckland decision on survey of current measures for managing fuel efficiency / aviation emissions being applied in APEC economies Purpose to identify the efforts already being undertaken to provide guidance on where future efforts of the Task Force should be applied
Objectives To document the range of measures currently being applied in APEC economies in order to: Develop a broad understanding of current measures being applied Rate the benefits of these measures Identify strengths and opportunities and any associated issues Share the information across economies Explore opportunities for potential collaboration among economies
Survey design and distribution Designed by Australia with input from New Zealand Structured to provide extensive coverage Distributed to all APEC economies early March 2009 Responses sought by 31 March 2009 Some delays in receiving responses Ten responses received Australia, Chinese Taipei, Japan, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States
Survey coverage 1.Goals, strategies and regulation 2.Air traffic management and aircraft operation 3.Technological 4.Alternative fuels 5.Positive economic measures 6.Market-based measures 7.Airports 8.Voluntary measures 9.Complementary government initiatives 10.Measurement, reporting and assessment 11.Other existing or planned measures
Summary of responses Goals, strategies and regulation Seven economies proposing economy-wide goals for GHG emissions most economies adopting ETS or other specific strategies for managing GHG emissions Only two economies proposing to include domestic aviation in ETS Most relying on voluntary or cooperative action by aviation Limited government regulation in place for improving fuel efficiency
Summary of responses (cont.) Air traffic management and aircraft operations most economies reported a wide range of initiatives to improve operational efficiencies Still some opportunities for further initiatives Technological airlines in all economies are progressively replacing older aircraft four economies reported that airlines were adopting airframe modifications to improve efficiency Most economies have aircraft with PBN capability
Summary of responses (cont.) Alternative fuels Research on alternative fuels for aviation in some economies In-flight trials of alternative fuels by a number of airlines Initial test have shown promising results Positive economic measures Some economies provide assistance for ground power units of ground servicing equipment Accelerated depreciation allowances as well as targeted research funding by some economies
Summary of responses (cont.) Market-based measures ETSs being considered in a number of economies which will include domestic aviation One economy applies a fuel tax on domestic operations Opportunities for passengers to offset emissions No economies proposing inclusion of international aviation in ETSs. Airports Range of efficiency measures being applied Consequential benefits of slot management schemes Improvements to rail and bus transport services
Summary of responses (cont.) Voluntary measures Passengers offered voluntary carbon offsetting Some economies planning voluntary agreements with industry Joint efforts with airlines to achieve environmental objectives One airport participating in carbon mitigation program Complementary government initiatives One example of high speed rail as alternative transport Enhanced weather reporting in a number of economies Dissemination of climate change information
Summary of responses (cont.) Measurement, reporting and assessment No consistent approach to reporting aviation emissions Development of various carbon monitoring and reporting approaches underway Limited requirement to assess GHG emissions in environmental impact assessments Other existing or planned measures V arious environmental management measures
Conclusions APEC economies already pursuing a wide range of measures Some economies have applied or are considering the full range of available measures Application of measures in other economies is more limited Possibility of technical, institutional or other obstacles to application of measures in some economies Opportunity exists for the AETF to explore ways of overcoming any such obstacles
Potential action Collaboration to improve ATM practices in the region Measuring and reporting aviation emissions APEC recognition of specific voluntary carbon offset schemes Greater implementation of aircraft operational efficiencies
Where to from here Agree that the completed survey forms be shared with all economies by publishing on the TPT-WG web site Agree that the report on the survey be submitted to the TPT-WG through the Aviation Experts Group (AEG) intersessionally Consider the potential further action by the AETF as outlined in the separate paper