22W The Economics of Developing Countries McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Presentation transcript:

22W The Economics of Developing Countries McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Classifications Industrially advanced countries High income nations Well-developed market economies Per capita income $37,665 in 2008 Developing countries Middle income nations Low income nations Wide variation in income per capita LO1 22W-2

Classifications 22W-3

Comparisons U.S. GDP $14.6 trillion Combined GDP of DVCs $15.6 trillion U.S. has 4.5% of population but produces 25.1% of world’s output U.S. per capita GDP is 150 times that of Sierra Leone Walmart’s annual revenue is greater than all but 23 nations’ GDP LO1 22W-4

Growth, Decline and Income Gaps Some developing countries have grown considerably China, Malaysia, Chile, Thailand Some developing countries have become high-income Singapore, Greece, Hong Kong Income gap has widened Developing countries must grow faster to reduce the gap LO1 22W-5

Human Realities of Poverty LO2 Selected Socioeconomic Indicators of Development 22W-6

The path to economic development Use existing resources more efficiently Expand available supplies of resources Simple generalizations are not possible LO2 Obstacles to Development 22W-7

Obstacles to Development Natural Resources Shortage of land, resources, power Tropical climates hinder labor, lead to disease Difficult to solve LO2 22W-8

Obstacles to Development Human resources Large populations Reduced standard of living Less saving and investment Lower productivity Overuse of land resources Urban problems Qualifications Unemployment and underemployment LO2 22W-9

Obstacles to Development LO2 22W-10

Obstacles to Development LO2 22W-11

Obstacles to Development Capital accumulation This is key for economic development Domestic capital formation Savings potential Capital flight Investment obstacles Lack of infrastructure LO2 22W-12

Technological advance Borrowed technology Socio-cultural obstacles Institutional obstacles Land reform Obstacles to Development LO2 22W-13


Role of Government A positive role Establishing the rule of law Building infrastructure Embracing globalization Building human capital Promoting entrepreneurship Developing credit systems Controlling population growth Making peace with neighbors LO4 22W-15

Role of Government Public sector problems Misadministration Bribery Corruption LO4 22W-16

Role of Government LO4 22W-17

Expanding trade Admitting temporary workers Discouraging arms sales Foreign aid Direct aid The World Bank group LO5 Role of Advanced Nations 22W-18

Role of Advanced Nations Foreign harm? Dependency and incentives Bureaucracy and centralized government Corruption and misuse Current level of foreign aid Flows of private capital LO5 22W-19

LO5 Role of Advanced Nations 22W-20

Famine in Africa Root causes – natural and human Droughts – Lack of rainfall Civil strife – Rebellions and civil wars Population growth Ecological degradation Public policies External debt LO5 22W-21