Renewable Energy for SE/SC Minnesota Lou Schwartzkopf --Region 9 Renewal Energy Task Force --CERT SE/SC --Minnesota State Mankato
Clean Energy Resource Team (CERT) SE/SC Strategic Energy Plan There is plenty of renewable energy potential in SE/SC Minnesota! In particular, for -- Ethanol Wind farms Biodigesters Etc. To find the plan:
Why renewable energy? Switching to renewable energy is urgent because there are problems with all fossil fuels: Oil: world oil production will peak, most likely sometime in the next 20 years (peak oil). Electricity: 65% of Minnesota’s electricity comes from coal (dirty and implicated in global warming). Natural gas: We have approximately eight years’ worth of natural gas left in North America, at current rates of consumption.
Why renewable energy? Exploiting SE/SC Minnesota’s renewable energy resources – Creates good jobs in the region. Keeps energy dollars in the region. Strengthens the local economy.
What can we do? Ethanol for gasoline Target: 3 ethanol plants for both counties Wind turbines for electricity Target: 170 for Blue Earth County, 70 for Nicollet County Biodigesters for natural gas Target: 23 for Blue Earth County, 12 for Nicollet County
Disclaimer This is not an energy plan; it is a renewable energy – fossil fuel equivalence statement. Many other factors will have to be taken into account in any realistic plan to convert to renewable energy. This equivalence statement does, however, illustrate the magnitude of the conversion required to maintain our current levels of energy consumption.
What can you do? Get involved!