Aggie Aquanauts2 Presentation Layout ( Problem Description and Identification ( Team Architecture and Group Responsibilities ( Technical Presentations Aero Group - David Jamison and Todd GreggAero Group - David Jamison and Todd Gregg Propulsion Group - Brian ClarkPropulsion Group - Brian Clark Structures Group - Mike BlacetStructures Group - Mike Blacet ( Financial Overview ( Highlight Video ( Questions and Comments
Aggie Aquanauts3 ( Competition Track: ( Contest Restrictions: 100 Feet for Takeoff100 Feet for Takeoff Wing Span Less Than 9 FeetWing Span Less Than 9 Feet Structure Must Withstand 2.5g LoadingStructure Must Withstand 2.5g Loading Must be Propeller Driven by Commercially Available Electric MotorMust be Propeller Driven by Commercially Available Electric Motor Aircraft Take Off Gross Weight May Not Exceed 55 lbs.Aircraft Take Off Gross Weight May Not Exceed 55 lbs. 500 ft. Contest Description and Restrictions
Aggie Aquanauts4 Problem Identification and Strategy Development ( Takeoff Deemed Critical Flight Phase ( How Much Weight Can We Lift? Design SpreadsheetDesign Spreadsheet Power Limit Feedback from the Propulsion GroupPower Limit Feedback from the Propulsion Group ( Selected Heavy Lift per Sortie Strategy Relatively Short Sortie PatternRelatively Short Sortie Pattern Land, Taxi, Unload, Reload, Clear, TakeoffLand, Taxi, Unload, Reload, Clear, Takeoff ( Landing Gear Became a Critical Component Able to Carry and Absorb Impact LoadingAble to Carry and Absorb Impact Loading Reduce Ground TimeReduce Ground Time
Aggie Aquanauts5 Introduction of Group Leaders Chief Engineer - Mark Freeman Aero LeaderPropulsion LeaderStructures Leader David Jamison Scott St. John Mike Blacet
Aggie Aquanauts6 Aerodynamics Group ( Group Members ( Responsibilities Design of the AircraftDesign of the Aircraft –Wing / Airfoil Design and Selection –Control Surface Sizing and Handling Qualities Aircraft Performance in ALL Flight PhasesAircraft Performance in ALL Flight Phases MonokotingMonokoting David JamisonTodd Gregg
Aggie Aquanauts7 Propulsion Group ( Group Members ( Group Responsibilities Selection and Testing of All Propulsive ElementsSelection and Testing of All Propulsive Elements –Motor, Gearbox, Propeller, and Batteries Equipment Maintenance, Break-In, and AdjustmentEquipment Maintenance, Break-In, and Adjustment Scott St. John Brian ClarkPrasad Perera Roshani Jayasekara Mohammed Ali
Aggie Aquanauts8 Structures Group ( Group Members Mike Blacet Tiong Hoe LimWei Kian LimKok Leong ChooKek-Yau Tan Eng Miau ChewEng Sheng NgoiAmanda Myers
Aggie Aquanauts9 Structures Group ( Group Responsibilities Structural Design and AnalysisStructural Design and Analysis Selection of Construction MaterialsSelection of Construction Materials Internal Layout and Component PlacementInternal Layout and Component Placement Preparation of Construction DrawingsPreparation of Construction Drawings Primary Construction GroupPrimary Construction Group
Aerodynamics Presentation: Todd Gregg and David Jamison
Aggie Aquanauts11 Aerodynamics Presentation ( Conceptual Design Conceptual Sketches Conceptual Sketches Rating the DesignsRating the Designs ( Spreadsheet Analysis ( Tail Configurations ( Stability and Control Surface Sizing ( Detailed Design and Refinements
Aggie Aquanauts12 Conceptual Design ( Conceptual Sketches Sketches ( Rating the Designs
Aggie Aquanauts13 Power Required vs. Total Weight Spreadsheet Analysis ( Design Spreadsheet Output Trend: Increase Weight - Increase Required PowerTrend: Increase Weight - Increase Required Power Propulsion Power Approximation ~ 1000 WattsPropulsion Power Approximation ~ 1000 Watts
Aggie Aquanauts14 Tail Configurations ( Sketches ( Rating the Designs
Aggie Aquanauts15 Stability and Control Surface Sizing ( Stability and Control LongitudinalLongitudinal LateralLateral ( Control Surface Sizing ElevatorElevator AileronsAilerons RudderRudder Elevator Rudder
Aggie Aquanauts16 Detail Design and Refinements ( NACA Scoops Provide Cooling Air ForProvide Cooling Air ForBatteries ( Wing Tip Plates Scoop Reduce Vortex Shedding Reduce Vortex Shedding Improve Efficiency of Wing Improve Efficiency of Wing
Aggie Aquanauts17 Detailed Design and Refinements ( Aerodynamically Balanced Rudder Reduce Hinge MomentReduce Hinge Moment Decrease Servo SizeDecrease Servo Size ( Graphic Design and Monokote Good VisibilityGood Visibility AttractiveAttractive
Propulsion Presentation: Brian Clark
Aggie Aquanauts19 Propulsion Presentation ( Introduction Propulsive RestrictionsPropulsive Restrictions Preliminary Analysis and ResearchPreliminary Analysis and Research ( Motor Selection ( Selected Motor’s Characteristics ( Battery Selection ( Propeller Selection ( System Modifications
Aggie Aquanauts20Introduction ( Propulsive Restrictions Propeller Driven by Electric MotorPropeller Driven by Electric Motor Nickel Cadmium Battery Energy SourceNickel Cadmium Battery Energy Source ( Preliminary Analysis and Research Internet and Literature SurveyInternet and Literature Survey Preliminary Trade Studies - ElectricalcPreliminary Trade Studies - Electricalc
Aggie Aquanauts21 Motor Selection ( Initial Target Power Output Watts Design Spreadsheet for Target Weight/Wing AreaDesign Spreadsheet for Target Weight/Wing Area Assume 50% System EfficiencyAssume 50% System Efficiency ( Motor Alternatives Considered Aveox 1817/3YAveox 1817/3Y Astro 90Astro 90
Aggie Aquanauts22 Selected Motor’s Characteristics ( Target Motor Parameters Motor Efficiency vs. Current and VoltageMotor Efficiency vs. Current and Voltage Heat Loss = I 2 RHeat Loss = I 2 R
Aggie Aquanauts23 Battery Selection ( Considerations for Battery Selection WeightWeight Battery EfficiencyBattery Efficiency Amount of Useful Power SuppliedAmount of Useful Power Supplied ( Battery Alternatives Considered Capacitance: 3000 mAh mAh mAh mAh mAhCapacitance: 3000 mAh mAh mAh mAh mAh
Aggie Aquanauts24 Battery Power vs. Weight Selected Capacitance
Aggie Aquanauts25 Battery Efficiency vs. Cell Capacitance Selected Capacity
Aggie Aquanauts26 Propeller Selection ( Propeller Characteristics and Efficiency P/D - Pitch to Diameter ratioP/D - Pitch to Diameter ratio J - Advance Ratio Efficiency vs. Advance Ratio
Aggie Aquanauts27 System Modifications ( Initial Performance Motor Power Input:Motor Power Input: – RPM, Drawing 33 Amps ( Available Solutions Change the amount gear reductionChange the amount gear reduction Increase the propeller diameterIncrease the propeller diameter Advance the timing of the motorAdvance the timing of the motor
Aggie Aquanauts28 System Modifications ( Comparison of various solutions ( Selected Solution Reduced gear ratio from 2.7:1 to 2.3:1Reduced gear ratio from 2.7:1 to 2.3:1 Advanced the motor timing to 15 degreesAdvanced the motor timing to 15 degrees ( Results Motor Power Input:Motor Power Input: – RPM, Drawing 50 Amps
Structures Presentation: Mike Blacet
Aggie Aquanauts30 Structures Presentation ( Introduction Preliminary Analysis and ResearchPreliminary Analysis and Research Structures Group ArchitectureStructures Group Architecture ( Fuselage Design ( Wing Design ( Landing Gear Design
Aggie Aquanauts31Introduction ( Preliminary Analysis and Research Internet and Literature SurveyInternet and Literature Survey Construction, Analysis, and Testing of Kit AirplaneConstruction, Analysis, and Testing of Kit Airplane Analysis of Trade-Offs Between Design AlternativesAnalysis of Trade-Offs Between Design Alternatives ( Structures Group Architecture Fuselage TeamFuselage Team Wing TeamWing Team Landing Gear TeamLanding Gear Team
Aggie Aquanauts32 Fuselage Design ( Longerons SpruceSpruce Carbon FiberCarbon Fiber ( Skins 1/8 in. Balsa Sheet Carbon Fiber
Aggie Aquanauts33 Fuselage Design ( Wingbox LoadingLoading Permanent Attachment to Center Wing SectionPermanent Attachment to Center Wing Section Foam/Carbon Fiber
Aggie Aquanauts34 Wing Design ( Spars Double SparDouble Spar SpruceSpruce Carbon FiberCarbon Fiber ( Shear Webs Foam/Carbon Fiber ( Center Wing Section
Aggie Aquanauts35 Landing Gear ( Critical Component Magnitude of LoadMagnitude of Load Ground HandlingGround Handling ( Main Gear Rectangular Aluminum ShaftRectangular Aluminum Shaft Compression SpringCompression Spring Located in WingLocated in Wing Hard Rubber Wheels with BearingsHard Rubber Wheels with Bearings
Aggie Aquanauts36 Landing Gear ( Nose Gear Circular Aluminum ShaftsCircular Aluminum Shafts Compression SpringCompression Spring Tilted Forward at 7° AngleTilted Forward at 7° Angle SteeringSteering BrakingBraking
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Financial Overview: Mark Freeman
Aggie Aquanauts38 Expenditure Review ( Cost by Category