The Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) Joint Meeting of the International Program for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB) and the International Arctic Buoy Program (IABP) 4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Kelly Stroker – DBCP Technical Coordinator JCOMM in-situ Observing Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS)
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Outline Background and Infrastructure of JCOMMOPS Products and services provided DBCP Coordination GTS Insertion Buoy Quality Monitoring Deployment Information Conclusions
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Background The JCOMM In-situ Observing Program Support Centre is a component of the international coordination mechanism, which aims on behalf of JCOMM to: –assist in the planning, implementation and operations of the observing systems –monitor and evaluate the performance of the networks –encourage cooperation between communities and member states –encourage data sharing –assist in data distribution on the Internet and GTS –relay user feedback on data quality to platform operators –provide technical assistance and user support worldwide –act as a clearing house and focal point on all program aspects –develop synergies between observing systems Assistance, Monitoring, Cooperation... Integration
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Background JCOMMOPS
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Infrastructure: office & staff JCOMMOPS comprises two Technical Coordinators (FR / US): –Work priorities are set by panel chairs or steering committee for each program ½ time I.T. resource Students on work experience New for 2012 – hiring a Ship Logistics Coordinator to assist with planning and locating deployment opportunities The OceanSITES reference station network (30% K. Stroker) The Ship Observations Team (30% M. Belbeoch) The Argo Profiling Float Program (70% M. Belbeoch) The Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (70% K. Stroker) (Ship Logistics Coordinator)
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Ship Logistics Coordinator The new position will act as focal point for all ship based activities related to the implementation of global ocean observing systems supported by JCOMMOPS. Ship Observation Team (SOT) Technical Coordination Operations and logistics within JCOMMOPS Metadata and information Technical support and expertise Communication International cooperation Announcement closes 31 August 2012
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Infrastructure: Information System The JCOMMOPS I. S. routinely pulls information from different sources: GTS, Global Data Centres, platform tracking data from telecom providers, etc). Platform operators feed the system regularly (e.g. deployment planning) and data users feedback on data quality to data producers via JCOMMOPS. Information is then redistributed through different methods via the web. It permits to track the status, development efficiency of the networks but also provide a common interface and visibility for the programmes. Information System is managed by JCOMMOPS at 99.9%: installation, configuration, maintenance, development … JCOMMOPS is a Metadata management and QC centre
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Products & Services: Assistance Assistance on any issue required to participate in an international program Assistance to national programs and individual platform operators, scientists or data users Assistance in data distribution, following appropriate standards Assistance with information about platform manufacturers and telecommunication systems providers
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Products & Services: Assistance Assistance in logistics (deployment planning, deployment methods, instrument retrieval) A web portal to find information relating to ocean observing systems, including a centralized source of documentation, contact details, program information and platforms, contacts, etc. A common system for managing communications (e.g. news items, mailing lists, picture galleries, etc) Enhanced user support – e.g. direct contact with program managers, platform operators and data users Assistance to the community or media (photos, maps, articles, presentations, etc)
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Products & Services: Samples Real-Time Real-time... On-line interactive GIS–based, real-time tracking tools for ocean platforms Interoperability targeted: Web Map Services, XML metadata exports, etc.
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Products & Services: Samples Monthly Monthly... Status maps, the JCOMMOPS “signature”, providing an authoritative and up to date status of the arrays, encouraging community to share the data and showing how the programs assess and meet their requirements
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Products & Services: Samples Network Growth Products (on-line or on-demand) measuring the growth and efficiency of the arrays. You need information on a platform, a statistic on any national/regional contribution, a map, etc just ask JCOMMOPS,
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP operator manufacturer deployment Sat Comm (Argos, Iridium, other) Sat Comm (Argos, Iridium, other) GTS insertion Data conversion, ‘QC’ & GTS formatting (BUFR) local user terminals operator GTS insertion DBCP Action Groups QC Agencies Data Centres Working Group Task Teams DBCP Action Groups QC Agencies Data Centres Working Group Task Teams DBCP Technical Coordinator Data conversion, ‘QC’ & GTS formatting (BUFR) DBCP Technical Coordinator
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Regional Action Groups E-SURFMAR: EUCOS Surface Marine IABP: International Arctic Buoy Programme IPAB: International Programme for Antarctic Buoys ISABP: International South Atlantic Buoy Programme IBPIO: International Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean NPDBAP: North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel GDP: Global Drifter Programme TIP: Tropical moored buoy Implementation Panel (TAO, RAMA, TRITON,PIRATA) OceanSITES: OCEAN Sustained Interdisciplinary Time series Environment observation System ( The International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP)
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Southern Ocean Buoy Program Part of the DBCP Implementation Strategy: The Southern Ocean Buoy Programme (SOBP), which would maintain a network of about 300 barometer drifters South of 40S, excluding the Antarctic sea-ice zone;
Status of the Global Array
Arctic Above 66 N 19 Active Argos GTS 24 Active Argos not on GTS 19 Active Iridium May 31, 2012
Status of the Global Array Antarctic Below 50 S 71 Active Drifters GTS 5 Active Iridium May 31, 2012
Data Timeliness
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Data onto the GTS Prepare data collection & processing If Argos, submit Argos System Use Agreement; Request Argos IDs; Submit technical file If Iridium, contact VAR, and seek centre for GTS data processing (e.g. CLS, Environment Canada, NDBC, Météo France) Identify GTS bulletin headers, and make sure data can be routed to your NMHS Get WMO IDs
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP How to Insert Data on the GTS
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Advantages 1.Used by several weather centers which monitor the quality of your data, after they are inserted in numerical models and compared with them 2.Automatically informed about any problems, e.g. sensor bias (Quality Control). 3.Buoy monitoring statistics are produced monthly by major meteorological centres and are available to the public. 4.CLS/CLS America does not charge for the GTS Service. Platform status changes, such as recalibrating a sensor, will also be free of charge. Your regular Argos results will be unaffected by GTS distribution. For example, the Argos processing centers can apply transfer functions to your GTS data but still provide you with your raw data. 5.Data is archived at the Integrated Science and Data Management Center (ISDM) Benefits of disseminating data on GTS
JCOMMOPS JCOMMOPS Buoy Quality Monitoring
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Monitoring tools –Comparison of the observations with the NWP first guess field (ECMWF, NCEP, UKMO, Meteo France, BOM) Buoy monitoring statistics Data plots (e.g. Meteo France tools) –Compare with nearby observations and other products (e.g. satellite) –Quality information relay mechanism (register to Various parameters –Battery voltage –Submergence (drogue loss) –Raw data (frequencies, resistance, vector components, high resolution data) –Duplicate sensors –Derived variables (averages, RMS) JCOMMOPS - Quality Monitoring
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Buoy monitoring statistics
The Indian Ocean has been very productive for deployment opportunities over the past 6 months, and proves to be equally productive throughout the remainder of Deployment Plans (Arctic) - Drifters The Global Drifter Program (GDP) 24 SVPB's deployed in the southern IO last Sep/Oct (2011), 40 SVPB's were deployed in the equatorial IO in Dec/Jan. In conjunction with Indonesia, the GDP is planning to deploy 12 SVP's during the upcoming RAMA servicing. Aboard the REVELLE, 20 SVPB's will be deployed in the eastern IO starting in early May. Isabelle Ansorge (Univ. of Cape Town) will deploy 20 SVPB's from aboard the SA AGULHAS later this month (April).
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP In Conclusion DBCP TC and JCOMMOPS is here to assist with operational and research needs DBCP TC will work with the Action Groups (IABP and IPAB) Coordinators for plans and to obtain deployment information – not just buoys on the GTS, but all buoys! We encourage all members to inform us of deployment opportunities and upcoming deployments
4-7 June 2012 Geneva, Switzerland Joint Meeting of the IPAB and IABP Thank you