Black Hole Growth and Galaxy Evolution Meg Urry Yale University
~All galaxies host supermassive black holes
The formation and evolution of galaxies is closely tied to the growth of black holes ~All galaxies have SMBH Contemporaneous growth of SMBH & stars M- relation
The formation and evolution of galaxies is closely tied to the growth of black holes ~All galaxies have SMBH Contemporaneous growth of SMBH & stars M- relation
The formation and evolution of galaxies is closely tied to the growth of black holes ~All galaxies have SMBH Contemporaneous growth of SMBH & stars M- relation
M- Relation Black Hole Mass Stellar Velocity Dispersion
Effect of Black Hole on Galaxy
Demographics of supermassive black holes What we learned from multiwavelength surveys
Deep surveys show most accretion is obscured GOODS, COSMOS, MUSYC, ECDFS, AGES, Lockman Hole, HDF-N/S, NDWFS, XBootes, XMM/LSS, … Hard X-rays penetrate obscuration Energy re-radiated in infrared High resolution optical separates host galaxy, constrains redshifts
Chandra Spitzer HST XMM
+60 +40 +20 0 2020 4040 6060 ECDFS GOODS-SUDF SDSS HDF-S “COSMOS” “MUSYC” GOODS-NHDF not to scale
HST ACS color image (0.3% of GOODS)
HST+Spitzer color image (0.3% of GOODS)
Treister, Urry & Virani 2009
Survey Results Treister et al. … Most BH accretion obscured – Log N-Log S infrared, optical, X-ray, -ray – Fits AGN redshift distribution – Fits X-ray “background” Obscuration increases with redshift – N H, narrow lines, infrared selection
Compton-thick & Heavily Obscured AGN Ultra-Deep INTEGRAL Survey Swift BAT Survey Infrared excess
Ultra-Deep INTEGRAL Survey Treister, Urry & Virani 2009, Virani et al. 2009
3 Msec UDIS Treister, Urry & Virani 2009, Virani et al. 2009
NuSTAR EXIST Virani et al. 2009
Compton-thick & Heavily Obscured AGN Ultra-Deep INTEGRAL Survey Swift BAT Survey Infrared excess
Heavily obscured & higher redshift AGN Not detected in deep Chandra/XMM surveys (nearby AGN detected w INTEGRAL/Swift) Infrared-bright (high & low redshift) How to distinguish AGN from starbursts? (X-ray stacking)
R K (Vega) 432101432101 Log F 24 /F R Fiore et al. 2008, Treister et al. 2009b Infrared-excess sources
Daddi et al. 2007, Fiore et al. 2008
24 m “normal”24 m “excess” X-Ray Stacked Spectra Daddi et al. 2007
Redshift (Mpc 3 ) Treister et al. 2009b
How do quasars form? Sanders et al mergers ULIRGs ULIRGs quasars
Redshift Obscured/Unobscured Quasars Obscured to Unobscured Quasar Ratio Treister et al., submitted
Obscured to Unobscured Quasar Ratio Treister et al. submitted X-ray selected Redshift Obscured/Unobscured Quasars Local ULIRGs IR-selected Treister et al., submitted
The Interplay of Black Holes & Star Formation
First scenario Common trigger (e.g., merger)? Star formation starts (delay?) BH accretion delayed (angular momentum) AGN turns on, heats ISM/IGM Star formation turns off Stars age from blue to red
red blue bright faint Galaxy Colors red sequence blue cloud galaxies merging stars aging Schawinski et al. 2009
red blue bright faint Galaxy Colors Schawinski et al. 2009
red blue bright faint Schawinski et al Galaxy Colors
red blue bright faint Galaxy Colors Schawinski et al. 2009
red blue bright faint AGN avoid the blue cloud Schawinski et al Galaxy Colors
Schawinski et al red blue youngold 1 Gyr
The Future of Deep Surveys Wider areas Deep X-ray (NuSTAR) Far-infrared, submm (Herschel, ALMA)
Survey Goals Cosmic history of BH growth (Treister, Glikman, Virani) – Herschel, NuSTAR deep surveys (COSMOS) – WFC3 imaging (to separate host and nucleus) Form of AGN energy injection – Narrow-band imaging of winds (SINFONI, Paulina Lira) – Absorption spectroscopy in rest-frame UV Phasing of AGN turn-on and SF turn-off (Schawinski) – Galaxy colors – Spectral signatures (better) Role of mergers (Schawinski) – Major vs. minor mergers (Galaxy Zoo, Cardamone) – Connection to cosmological simulations (Kyoungsoo Lee)
Galaxy Morphology “Galaxy Zoo”
Host Galaxy Morphologies Disks Spheroids
u-r color Log Stellar Mass (M o )
AGN Duty Cycle Log Stellar Mass (M o ) u-r color
AGN Duty Cycle
Time (Gyr) nowBig Bang Number of obscured AGN
Time (Gyr) nowBig Bang Number of obscured AGN
Time (Gyr) nowBig Bang Number of AGN
Time (Gyr) nowBig Bang Number of AGN tt
Time (Gyr) nowBig Bang
Treister et al. 2009
Treister, Urry & Virani 2009