IABNZ presents… Social Media Marketing October representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry 1
Contents Social Media usage in NZ Social Media trends in NZ Site usage in NZ Mobile Social Networking in NZ Benefits of Social Media Marketing Most commonly used Tools representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry 2
Social Media – participation is strong and rising In 2010… (last 12 months), of the adult population: 1.8 million New Zealanders interacted with people via social networking sites 1.6 million watched online video about products or services they were thinking of buying 1.6 million created a profile on a social networking site More than 1.4 million read blogs 1.1 million interacted with brands or organisations via social networking sites 762,000 reviewed products or services online 210,000 posted messages on Twitter Numbers projected based on Nielsen Media Research Panorama Q statistics: online universe population aged 18+ of 2,628,000.
Social Media Usage in New Zealand Four in five New Zealand Internet users (81%) sent or shared a photo in the past year Three quarters (75%) posted (uploaded) photos online and 73 percent sent or shared a link The biggest increases in social media usage were reading wikis (up 26 percentage points), updating and creating social networking profiles (up 17 points and 16 points respectively) and looking at others’ social networking profiles (up 16 points) Source: Nielsen’s 2010 Social Media Report representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry 4
Social Network trends in New Zealand Social Networks are becoming more deeply incorporated in New Zealanders’ daily lives; as a way of communicating, connecting and reconnecting, sharing, inviting, networking and a variety of other important daily functions. New Zealand visits to Social Networking and Forums has experienced growth of 120.2% in over three years (comparing the weeks ending 17 October 2009 and 16 September 2006), second only to the growth in the UK (146.2%). New Zealand, UK and Australian visits to Social Networking and Forums however lags behind other markets monitored by Experian Hitwise as a share of the total online population usage Over the past 12 months the US has experienced the largest usage growth of 52.4% (comparing the weeks ending 17 October 2009 and 18 October 2008), followed by Hong Kong growing at 38.6%, Singapore 30.5%, Australia 27.8%, UK 20.0% and New Zealand with an increase of 14.3%. The total share of visits in New Zealand by comparison to other markets indicates there continues to be a growth opportunity for Social Networking and Forums to take a larger portion of the population’s online activity. The increasing practicality of the Social Networks is one of the key drivers behind the growth in all countries. Source: Experian Hitwise representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry 5
Online social networking site usage Figure 2.4 Online social networking sites ever visited (figure represents proportion of online New Zealanders) Facebook was by far the biggest mover in the social networking category since 2007, and Twitter shows early potential.
Main social networking site used Figure 2.7 Main profile An astounding 79% of New Zealand social networkers now call Facebook their main social networking site. In 2007 this figure was just 19%, and Bebo reigned supreme.
Mobile social networking Figure 2.22 Incidence and interest in mobile social networking (as a proportion of online social networkers) There has been an exceptional adoption of mobile social networking since 2007 and it is being driven by younger consumers.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry 9 The number-one benefit of social media marketing is gaining the all-important eyeball
Commonly used Social Media Marketing representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry 10 By a long shot, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs were the top four social media tools used by marketers, with Twitter leading the pack by only a hair. Source: 2010 Social Media Marketing Report - SocialMediaExaminer.com
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