Black Power Dependence on self to solve problems Wanted to create their own separate political organizations
Militancy Being combative and aggressive for a cause or belief Justifying the use of force for ideological reasons
SNCC and CORE Both broke away from nonviolence SNCC leader = Stokely Carmichael They broke away because the violence, racism, and discrimination continued
Black Panthers Created by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton in 1966 Created a 10 point program that outlined their goals
In order to achieve goals they carried guns to guard against police brutality – Led to many shootouts with deaths on both sides
Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) Leader = Elijah Muhammad Preached Black Nationalism, self- discipline, and self- reliance Forbid smoking, gambling and alcohol
Malcolm X Influential minister for the Black Muslims Critical of Kings non- violent tactics Preached hope defiance and black pride Many thought he was an extremist
Mid 60s he broke from Black Muslims and Muhammad Still preached black power but began cooperating with other civil rights leaders and called for racial harmony He was assassinated by Black Muslims who considered him a traitor to the cause
MLK Assassination April 4, 1968 In Memphis, TN – Went to aide African American sanitations workers on strike James Earl Ray shot and killed MLK on hotel balcony Riot erupted after news of King’s murder – Troops were required to restore order