CALORIES The amount of energy in food is measured in calories You measure this energy by seeing how much the food heats up 10ml of water.
PROTEINS Proteins contain 4 calories per gram Are the basic building blocks of our bodies. Are used as enzymes in the digestive system to break down food. Used to send chemical signals.
LIPIDS Contains 9 calories per gram. Makes up cell membranes. High energy source. Commonly known as fats Cushions organs Allows nerves to function.
CARBOHYDRATES Contains 4 calories per gram. Quick energy source Commonly known as sugars Someone who has diabetes has to moderate how much sugar they have.
DIABETES Caused by either by ineffective pancreas or cells' inability to recognize insulin Someone with diabetes must moderate their sugar intake. Type 1 Diabetics must take insulin injections to lower their blood sugar. Type 2 diabetics can control their diabetes with lifestyle changes.
What's in our food? Macromolecules Molecules working together The Diabetes connection. Life with diabetes