Mousetrap Car Physics Concepts U3b-L9 If you are trying to build a long distance traveling or fast vehicle you will need to think carefully about the following concepts: Energy, Power Output, Inertia, rotational inertia, friction, torque, and Newton’s laws.
Mousetrap Car Physics Concepts U3b-L9 Friction is the resistance of motion between two objects. Most friction between the materials in your car reduce the amount of energy that is used to move the car, so it would make sense that you want to reduce that friction. However, you actually rely on the friction between your wheels and the floor to help your car move. Steps 3 & 4 – Brainstorm/ Research/ Generate Ideas
Mousetrap Car Physics Concepts U3b-L9 Friction Another, less thought of, friction involved in the performance of your car is air resistance. Remember, air resistance acts against the motion of the car and therefore should be reduced to increase performance. Steps 3 & 4 – Brainstorm/ Research/ Generate Ideas
Mousetrap Car Physics Concepts U3b-L8 Torque is a turning or twisting force. To maximize your acceleration you want a shorter lever arm. Keep in mind that if your arm is too short the force will be large enough to cause the wheels to spin-out, wasting energy. To minimize your acceleration you will want a longer lever arm. Steps 3 & 4 – Brainstorm/ Research/ Generate Ideas
Mousetrap Car Physics Concepts U3b-L9 Newton’s Laws Newton’s first law is also known as the law of inertia. Inertia is an object’s tendency to resist change. The more massive an object is, the larger its inertia, and therefore the harder it is to change its motion. Newton’s second law is most commonly known in its equation form, F=ma. Steps 3 & 4 – Brainstorm/ Research/ Generate Ideas
Mousetrap Car Physics Concepts U3b-L9 Newton’s Laws Both of these laws should show you that the more massive your car, the more force that will be required to move the car. Remember that, depending on the goal of the car, you may want the car to have some inertia so it will keep moving after the mouse trap has used all it energy. Keep these laws in mind while constructing your car. Steps 3 & 4 – Brainstorm/ Research/ Generate Ideas
U3b-L9 -Finish Brainstorming Detailed Sketches So you may work on your detailed drafted drawing in class. -Complete steps 1-10 of the “Mousetrap car” project. Follow the rubric to ensure a high score. -Study for TEST Friday 13, NOV. HOMEWORK
U3b-L9 -By Now You Should Have Completed Some of “Mousetrap car” Project Design Process Steps -Let’s Review Step 7. Design Process Review
U3b-L9 7.An explanation of your final design a.Detailed drafted drawings b.Steps to make it c.Explanation of how it satisfies all criteria and constraints Outcome: Sentences, Lists, Charts, Sketches Step 7 – Develop Design Proposal
Sample DETAILED DRAFTED DRAWING DO NOT COPY! You Need A Compass To Draw Circles! Complete Check List Below To Begin Your Own Drafted Drawing __ Finished Border __ Finished Brainstorming Detailed Sketches __ Starting Detailed Your Drawing Must Have A Top View Not A Rear View! Drafted Drawing Without TALKING Work On One Of The Listed Items REMEMBER FOCUS NO TALKING OR PTS. LOSS Above!