Computer Crimes 8 8 Chapter
The act of using a computer to commit an illegal act Authorized and unauthorized computer access. Examples- o Stealing time on company computers o Breaking into government Web sites o Stealing credit card information Definition:
Stealing or compromising data. Gaining unauthorized computer access. Violating data belonging to banks. Intercepting communications. Threatening to damage computer systems. Disseminating (spread) viruses. Federal and State Laws:
Who commits computer crime?
Computer crimes occur when intruders gain unauthorized access to computer systems. Cybercrime is crime carried out over the Internet. Cyber law tracks and combats computer related crime. Types of Computer Crime- 1. Identity Theft 2. Computer Viruses 3. Fraud and Theft 4. More Rogue Program 5. Forgery 6. Blackmail Computer crime and cybercrime
Intimidate (threaten) governments to advance political or social objectives Launch computer-based attacks Seek to cause harm o Rather than gather information Many experts believe terrorist groups pose only a limited threat to information systems Cyber terrorists
Types of computer crime … 1.Identity theft Identity theft occurs when enough information about an individual is obtained to open a credit card account in their name and charge items to that account. 2.Computer viruses are malicious programs that infect a computer system causing various problems with its use. a destructive program that disrupts the normal functioning of computer systems. viruses replicate and attach themselves to programs in the system.
How virus infections spread? o Inserting a disk with an infected program and then starting the program. o Downloading an infected program from the Internet. o Being on a network with an infected computer. o Opening an infected attachment. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
Type of viruses: i.File Infectors o Attach themselves to program files. o Spread to other programs on the hard drive. o Are the most common type of virus. ii.Boot Sector Viruses o Attach themselves to the boot sector of a hard drive. o Execute each time the computer is started. o May lead to the destruction of all data. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
iii.Macro viruses o Infect the automatic command capabilities of productivity software. o Attach themselves to the data files in word processing, spreadsheet, and database programs. o Spread when the data files are exchanged between users. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
3.More Rogue Programs i.Time Bombs Also called logic bombs A type of Trojan horse that stays dormant (un-active) for a period of time before activating. Harmless until a certain event or circumstance activates the program. ii.Worms Resemble a virus and usually does not destroy files. Spread from one computer to another. Control infected computers. Attack other networked computers. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
iii.Denial of Service Attack (DoS) Synchronize flooding. Overload an Internet server with a large number of requests. iv.Trojan Horses Disguise themselves as useful programs. Activates without being detected; does not copy itself. Contain hidden instructions. May erase data or cause other damage. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
4.Fraud and Theft Selling social security numbers. Memory shaving – taking RAM chips from computers. Salami Shaving Programmer alters a program to take a small amount of money out of an account Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
5.Forgery Internet data can appear to be coming from one source when its really coming from another. Forged and Web pages. 6.Blackmail Adverse publicity fears. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Types of computer crime …
1.Hackers One who gains unauthorized computer access, but without doing damage. Gain unauthorized access to computer or telecommunications systems Computer hobbyists Find weaknesses and loopholes in computer systems Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Computer criminals:
2.Crackers One who breaks into computer systems for the purpose of doing damage. Illegally break into computers for malicious purposes. Also called black hats. Obsessed with entering secure computer systems. Leave calling cards on the systems they enter. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Computer criminals …
3.Cyber Gangs Bring crackers together by way of the Internet and meetings. 4.Virus Authors Push the boundaries of antivirus software. Create viruses that are very damaging. Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Computer criminals …
5.Employees Sabotage their company’s computer system Create security holes called trap doors 5.Swindlers Use the Internet to scam money from people Use scams like rip and tear, pumping and dumping, and bogus goods Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer ( Computer criminals …