MouseTrap RACERS
MouseTrap RACER
MouseTrap RACERS
MouseTrap RACER
MouseTrap RACERS
MouseTrap RACER
MouseTrap RACERS
MouseTrap RACER what is a mousetrap racer ? A vehicle designed to run on the energy stored in a set mousetrap.
MouseTrap RACER Why build a mousetrap racer ? Designing a mousetrap racer will require you to start with some ideas and then turn the ideas into real-life models that work.
MouseTrap RACER an advanced form of problem solving You will encounter problems as you build your racer. Each student will have different challenges. There is never just one right answer !
MouseTrap RACER The key to success... Experimentation is essential to success. Experiment early. Experiment often. Experiment after you make a mistake.
MouseTrap RACER materials You will determine the size, shape, widths and kind of materials to use. Recycled CD’s will be used for the wheels. Prefabricated kits will earn zero points. There is no such thing as unusable trash.
MouseTrap RACER chassis of the racer Provides structural support for wheels, axles and trap. Important the chassis is not too heavy. If chassis is too light racer will lack traction.
MouseTrap RACER materials list Record all materials, parts and monies spent to produce your mousetrap racer.
MouseTrap RACER imagination is essential Your imagination will allow you to turn ordinary objects into components of a working machine.