Presented by Courtney L. Hayes
I donated money to our team I helped set up for the Relay for Life night I bagged candy for the winners of the teams’ activities
We picked up pinecones from their yard and grinded them up to make their flower beds look nice We also mowed their grass after all of the pinecones were picked up
We did the same with the same with their yard We also washed their two cars and their truck states Service learning is the services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions.
Work service learning is helping out our community any way we can One can do service learning many different ways Helping the elderly Helping the less fortunate Donating
The Good I grew closer to a few of the elderly couples in our neighborhood and had a fun doing it The Bad Picking up trash was a dirty job We ended up covered in mud
I learned Community service can be done anywhere Even though one is meaning to benefit others by doing it, everyone that is involved will be benefitted
Yes I plan to go on a mission trip during the summer I also plan to continue to help the elderly couples I have mentioned