Information Resources Chapter 1: Introduction Types of information source
introduction What is the meaning of information? What is the source? a message received and understood. What is the source? An origin of something. What are the information types? Development information: such as reading a book or article and acquiring new concepts. Achievement information: acquiring concepts and facts assisting in achieving a project or decision making. Educational information: represented in students reading courses and education subjects.
introduction Research information: includes conducting experiments and its results and research results. Systemic style information: involves scientific methodologies that enable researcher to conduct his research precisely. Exciting and incentive information. Political information. Guiding information.
introduction What is the difference between information, data and Knowledge ? Data is the raw material recorded as digits or symbols. Information are data organized in a form with meaning and benefits for users. Knowledge is the sum of experience, information and long studies owned by someone in specific time. The main purpose of information is to increase knowledge.
Information Source Definition: All channels that can be used to transfer information to the user. All materials contain useful information for the user. Any document could be helpful when user needs either in library or information centers or in information services. All information printed and non-printed , collected from various sources by library and information center then organized, sorted, and stored in well way then it would be served when users need.
Importance of information source • Students : more than one reference to improve their imaginations. • Researchers : more value to their research if they reference to many. • Society : more proved information about daily events or to their cultural.
Types of information source Denis Grogan division: Documentary resource. Primary information media. Ex: scientific magazine, conference work. Secondary information media. Ex: indexing, text book. Tertiary information media. Ex: directories, yearbooks. Non documentary information resource. Official information source. Ex: government documents Unofficial information source. Ex: colleagues side taking
Types of information source Typically we divide information source into three different types: Traditional information source. Non-traditional information source. Electronic information source.
Types of traditional information source (Books and booklets) Book definition: A set of written or printed work contains at least 50 pages, it could be in one folder or many, discuss one subject or many related subjects, may it has many editions in non-periodic time. Ex: texts book. Booklets definition: A set of non-periodic printed pages contain at least 5 pages and not more than 50 pages. Ex: booklets for guide pilgrims in al Hajj.
Types of traditional information source (Books and booklets) Book components: Cover title. Binders title. Half title page. Index References of resources Appendix List of tables, figures, and content.
Types of traditional information source (Books and booklets) Types of books: Text books. Monographs. Collective works. Official publication.
Types of traditional information source (Books and booklets) Introductories. Reference books: Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. Biographies. Geographical Sources. Bibliographies. Indexes and Abstracts. Year books. Directories. Statistical books.
Types of traditional information source (Books and booklets) Assignment Write a report (not more than 3 pages) about the Reference books.
Types of traditional information source (Books and booklets) Sources for obtaining books: Legal Deposit. As gift. Purchase. Exchange.
Types of traditional information source (Books and booklets) Selection tools of books: Printed selection tools: Bibliographies. Book reviews. Printed libraries catalogs. Literatures guides. Non printed selection tools: Book exhibitions. Publishers. Electronic selection tools: Data bases. Internet.
Types of traditional information source (Periodicals) Definition: All printed journals published on specific periodic time, regular or irregular time, it has a specific title and a number of series, each issue has a specific date, it contains a lot of articles written by authors or writers.
Types of traditional information source (Periodicals) Periodicals types: Division according to subject: Specialized periodicals. General periodicals. Division according to period of issue: Daily periodicals. Semi-weekly periodicals. Weekly periodicals. Semi-monthly periodicals. Monthly periodicals.
Types of traditional information source (Periodicals) Bi-monthly periodicals. Quarterly periodicals. semi-annually periodicals. Irregular periodicals. Division according to issuers: Commercial periodicals. Non-commercial periodicals. Electronic periodicals: It is an electronic journals via networks. Does not have a printed copy.
Types of traditional information source (Government publication) Definition: Document published by government ministries or agencies belong to government’s decisions or rules.
Types of traditional information source (Conference work) Meetings to present a worksheets about specific subject in certain time, and place. Importance of conferences: Gain information from foreign or citizen experts. Exchange information between scientists and experts. To give a chance for researcher to introduce their works before published.
Types of traditional information source (other resources) Research reports. Dissertations of theses. Patents images. Standards and specifications.
Non-traditional information source Audio visual materials Definition: All materials and devices used to handle and illustrate information depends on hearing and sight or both to understand these information. Types: Sound materials: Discs, sound tapes, radio programs Visual materials: Pictures, models, maps, slides, templates, … etc Audio – visual materials: Video tapes, TV programs, … etc
Electronic information source Definition: All electronic copy of traditional and non-traditional information sources saved on magnetic or laser tapes, or electronic based designed by publishers and authors available online or stored on library or information center’s database.
Electronic information source Importance: Gain information not available as printed copy. Cost how it could be? Accurate Faster Multiplicity Librarian information scientist Give more choices for information centers to provide users with databases either online or laser tapes.
Electronic information source Ways to find electronic information resources: Subscribe in on-line database by one of information services provider. Connect to on-line database Subscribe by information brokers. Subscribe in resource sharing network. Subscribe by LAN, WAN. Internet. Buying CD-Rom.
Electronic information source Advantages of electronic information source: Updating. Volume. Multi usage in the same time. Developed retrieval systems. Full text. Multimedia.
Electronic information source Disadvantages of electronic information source: The cost. Training. Maintenance. Management. Usage. Continuous change.
Criteria to select electronic information source Responsibility. Scope and accuracy. Availability. Reviewing. Time to use. Way to get in. The continuity of the site. Legal terms of electronic documents. The need for hardware and operating systems.
Examples of electronic information source Information source on magnetic tape. On line searching. Data Base.
Examples of electronic information source Information source on magnetic tape: Characteristic: Huge space Safe Low cost Faster Flexibility
Examples of electronic information source On line searching: Definition: It is a system for retrieving information by computers (with modem) connected to a network. Computers must have software to allow access, store, and retrieve. Characteristic: Quickness Costless. Flexibility Efficiency Updated Less effort Simplicity
Examples of electronic information source Strategic for on line searching: It based on Boolean logic (AND, OR,NOT) Ex: AND Water and Plants All subjects regard water and plants. OR All subjects regard petrol or oil NOT All subjects regard energy source unless petrol
Examples of electronic information source Problems: Information base can not cover all old information sources. Needs for specialists to search for end users. Needs for special equipments and materials, and budget for availability. Needs for authorization (viruses, hacking).
Examples of electronic information source Data Base: Definition: It is a collective of one or more files relate to each others and user can access to these data whenever need. Types of Data Base: Reference Data Base Contains a brief information about a lot of sources ( essays, periodicals, organizations, …etc ) . Source Data Base Data base contain information or data EX: Numeric Data Base Properties Data Base Full- Text Data Bases Examples : ERIC, LISA, Social Science Index, ISA, Humanities Index