© 2015 IBM Corporation Smarter Social Programs July 2015 Martin Duggan Strategy and Market Development IBM Cúram IBM Cúram Solution for Employment
© 2015 IBM Corporation 2 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs IBM has a strong, long-standing commitment to social programs, which expanded with the acquisition of Cúram Software Commercial off-the-shelf, software for line of business users in health and social programs, covering all types of organizations More than 700 IBM subject matter experts in social programs: —40 subject matter experts in social programs policy —300 service professionals experienced in building social program management systems —320 dedicated software developers with expertise in social programs business processes Social programs policy research center—the IBM Cúram Research Institute
© 2015 IBM Corporation 3 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs Global Employment trends & directions Employment organizations globally face changing natures of work with transitional labor models. New trends and directions are emerging to ensure social harmony and labor stability. Skilled not Stuck Technology and globalization open more opportunities for those who build their skills. But the supply of lower-end jobs may be reduced. New Approaches Intensive job readiness programs for long term unemployed plus incentives to employers to hire long-term unemployed. Innovation, prevention and keeping people in work Changing Nature of Work Prosperity driver and new welfare models Long term unemployment and structural adjustments De-regulation of employment Transition labor market Going to Work Factors like immigration, migration, the virtual workplace, globalization, social change, and job churn are changing the meaning of “going to work.” Tale of Two Cities Outsourcing, offshoring, global sourcing, deregulation; workers hate them, executives & economists defend them as job creators. Is Full Employment Possible? Full employment is still a goal, but is it possible in a transition labor market world? What’s the best way to help people navigate this world? Carrot and Stick Social benefits in return for social responsibility. Does it work where there is diverse level of need?
© 2015 IBM Corporation 4 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs Vision looks at the Employment Market with wide lens Predicting those people that may not exit school job ready or drop off education Supporting those people that are not going to make it Paying unemployment benefits and welfare Outcome Management Making sure the right incentives and conditions are in place Finding jobs Putting the plans in place to get you ready for the jobs available Making sure that you are job ready and can increase your skills lifelong Supporting employers and economic vitality Addressing life long learning to support economic development
© 2015 IBM Corporation 5 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs Social Programs Industry Specific Domain specific platform, built for core needs of social programs organizations Pre-defined, best-in-class business processes supporting the complete social care lifecycle Role-based user experience targeted at the needs of stakeholders Dynamic Programs Business user tools for program creation and modification Configurable, end-to-end business processes support Configurability built on top of a core social application, delivering the flexibility and adaptability required by social organizations Platform for the Future Flexibility to support traditional and outcome-focused delivery Toolsets to support differential response Agility to prototype and adopt new programs and delivery models (e.g., conditional cash transfers, social impact bonds) IBM Cúram Social Program Management Platform is the foundation
© 2015 IBM Corporation 6 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs Solution for Employment Cúram Social Program Management Platform PredictionBenefits Other solution components to be agreed (e.g. contributions) Job Platform Employer Cúram Employment Solution Together, IBM Cúram and WCC deliver a comprehensive, integrated solution that provides the key functional building blocks required by employment organizations.
© 2015 IBM Corporation 7 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs An Asian human services ministry differentiates employment supports based on need to more people A Canadian human services ministry focuses on education and training A leading European employment organization is focusing on their job platform Cúram customers are implementing employment solutions
© 2015 IBM Corporation 8 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs Thank you.
© 2015 IBM Corporation 9 Smarter Care and Social Programs Care AnalyticsSmarter Social Programs Trademarks and notes © IBM Corporation 2015 IBM, the IBM logo, ibm.com, and Cúram are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with the appropriate symbol ( ® or ™ ), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.Copyright and trademark informationibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.