Grades 3-8 Testing 2013 Important Dates ELA MATH Test Administration Tuesday, April 16 th – Thursday, April 18 th Make-up dates Friday, April 19 th – Tuesday, April 23 rd Scoring Dates Friday, April 19 th – Wednesday, May 1 st Answer sheets due to RIC Wednesday May 1 st Scanned data due to State Ed (Level 2) Thursday, May 23 rd Test Administration Wednesday, April 24 th – Friday, April 26 th Make-up dates Monday, April 29 th – Wednesday, May 1 st Scoring Dates Monday, April 29 th – Wednesday, May 8 th Answer sheets due to RIC Wednesday, May 8 th Scanned data due to State Ed (Level 2) Thursday, May 30 th
Data Schedule for ELA & Math Testing Data used to pre-print answer sheets will be pulled from your student system starting March 4 th, 2013 Districts that provide data extracts to the RIC should send files to RIC by March 4 th or import directly into Level 0 RIC will pre-print answer sheets/labels in March and ship to the District Testing Coordinator before April break/Spring recess
ELA Materials from RIC All Grade levels will receive 2 answer sheets per student Elementary answer sheets - will be sorted by Homeroom Middle/Jr high - sorted alphabetically * You may request different sort if desired 2 sets of labels are provided for all grades Labels are to be placed on the back cover of Book 3 & Book 4 Testing answer sheet Rosters are provided for each set of answer sheets
Math Materials from RIC All Grade levels will receive 2 answer sheets per student Middle/Jr high - sorted alphabetically Elementary answer sheets - will be sorted by Homeroom *You may request different sort if desired 1 set of labels are provided for all grades To be placed on the back cover of Book 3 Testing answer sheet Rosters are provided for each set of answer sheets
When you receive your Answer sheets/Labels and Rosters Check to see that you have received all materials Pre Printed Answer sheets (including Extra Sheets) Testing Answer sheet Rosters Student Labels Testing Materials Guide Quality Control Checklist Notify RIC immediately if any materials are missing Place materials in a secure place until the testing date
NYSAA eligible students You will receive testing materials (answer sheets, labels, roster) for ELA, Math and Science for these students Please be advised that you should not send these materials to your out-of-district sites. Please bubble the appropriate code (Taking NYSAA) on the answer sheet, and mark these students on the Testing Answer Sheet Roster Return to the RIC along with the other answer sheets and rosters. (you may separate them out with the other “not tested” students)
Students without a pre-printed answer sheet Extra blank answer sheets are provided for each grade level and school Fill out all information on the blank lines provided in the shaded area below the pre-printed numbers at the top of the answer sheet Write in the student’s information below the corresponding extra blank label on the test booklet(s) Write in the student’s name and Actual Student ID number next to the appropriate “Sheet ID” number on the Testing Answer Sheet Roster
Sample Answer sheet District: Sample District Grade: 03 School: Sample School Homeroom: 321 Student: Doe, John Birthdate: 12/01/99 Scanning Center : MORIC Form letter must be bubbled
During or after test administration… Verify student information on the answer sheets, especially building/location of the student. If corrections or additions are needed, notify the appropriate staff in your district to update your student management system and/or Level 0. Be sure that the Form letter is bubbled on all student answer sheets where noted. Prepare sheets and booklets for Regional or Local scoring
After Scoring - Prepare sheets for delivery to RIC Pull all answer sheets out of test booklets – do not send any booklets Check (and double check!) that ALL Constructed response items are bubbled. Bubble appropriate “Scoring Model Code” on the back of the answer sheets (REQUIRED). Be sure the appropriate “Form” letter is bubbled (REQUIRED) If applicable, bubble the appropriate “Reason Not Tested” for students that did not take the exam. Separate answer sheets by grade level. Be sure to include all schools in your district for each grade level in your shipment to the RIC
Prepare sheets for delivery to RIC Cont… Place “Not Tested” students and all used extra sheets on the top of each grade bundle. Remember not to use rubber bands, paper clips or tape. If any sheets need special attention, place on top of bundle in a folder or manila envelope. Double check answer sheets against Testing Answer Sheet Roster to be sure all answer sheets are included. Place the roster on top of each grade bundle. Fill out the Quality Control Checklist and place in the shipment to the RIC
Do’s and Don’ts for Answer sheets and Labels DO use a # 2 pencil when bubbling responses and scores – scanner will not pick up pens or markers DO NOT place any labels on the answer sheets DO NOT paper clip, rubber band, staple or tape answer sheets or booklets together DO NOT tape anything to, or use post-its on the answer sheets DO NOT make any stray marks on the answer sheets, especially in the top box where the District, Student ID, CD, and School numbers are printed. DO NOT use a preprinted answer sheet for anyone other than the student named on that sheet.
Grades 4 & 8 Science Important Dates Performance Test Administration – Wednesday, May 22 – Friday, May 31 Written Test Administration – Monday, June 3 rd (make-up dates June 4 th & 5 th ) Answer sheets due to the RIC – Thursday, June 13 th Scanned data due to State Ed (Level 2) – Thursday, June 27 th
Grades 4 & 8 Science Answer Sheets Answer sheets will automatically be sent to districts – no order form is required – Districts can request different sort for answer sheets by calling the RIC (Sheets are sorted Homeroom for 4 th grade and Alphabetically for 8 th grade) Answer sheets will be pre-printed based on data pulled from your Student System the week of April 1 st Answer sheets will be sent out to districts - TBA
NYSAA – Important dates and procedures Testing period is October 1 – February 8 BOCES Regional Scoring March 11 – May 2 Answer sheets due to RIC May 2 (from Scoring Site) Answer sheets, labels, and Data sheets are generated based on data in Level 1 Students must have a program service code of 0220-Eligible for Alternate Assessment This is normally pulled from your Special ed system (Cleartrack or IEP direct) Students must be ungraded (Gr 13 or 14) in your student management system RIC will send all NYSAA materials directly to BOCES SSC’s
NYSESLAT – Important dates Test Administration Speaking – April 17 – May 17 All other parts – May 6 – 17 Make-up dates Given in the same testing period Answer sheets due to the RIC May 30 Scanned data due to Level 2 June 13
NYSESLAT Answer sheets and labels are generated based on LEP Program Service data in Level 0 Students must have a Program Service code of 0231-LEP Eligible Data used to print NYSESLAT materials will be based on data pulled from your student system the week of March 4 th RIC will pre-print NYSESLAT answer sheets and ship to District Testing Coordinators Please see important changes to NYSESLAT testing in the “Guide to the 2013 NYSESLAT” at the following link: