REQUEST LETTERS Business Lexis applicable (adj) closure (n) discount (n) fiscal (adj) motivate (v) potential (adj) relevant state of being concluded reduction from the regular price financial move to action possible
REQUEST LETTERS Business Lexis recipient (n) weather vane (n) one who receives a device for showing wind direction
REQUEST LETTERS Introduction Reasons for writing a request letter: 1. To obtain information (such as prices or technical data). 2. To receive printed matter (such as booklets, catalogs, price lists, and reports). 3. To receive sample products.
REQUEST LETTERS Introduction 4. To order merchandise. 5. To engage services (including repair or maintenance services). 6. To make reservations (at hotels, restaurants, theaters). 7. To seek special favors (such as permission, assistance, or advice).
REQUEST LETTERS Introduction All requests should: Be specific and brief. Be reasonable. Provide complete, accurate information.
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries An inquiry must: Be easy to answer. Offer the reader no immediate reward or advantage. Urge our reader to answer even if he or she is too busy. Include the specific information that we
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries need as well as the specific action we would like our reader to take. REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries
Dear Sir or Madam: Please send us information about your office copiers so that we will know whether one would be suited to our type of business. Yours truly, REQUEST LETTERS A Request Sample
An inquiry should include specific questions worded to obtain specific facts as answers. The manufacturer in our example may make many models of copiers, so the inquiry must clearly identify the type our company would consider. The revised letter makes it easier for our reader to respond. It gives a clear picture REQUEST LETTERS A Request Sample
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries of what we are looking for; therefore, the receiver can determine which of the company's products might interest us. Also, by mentioning the REASON for our inquiry, we motivate the receiver to respond. (The purchase we are planning is a potential sale for RBM.) Finally, by letting the receiver know WHEN we intend to
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries buy, you encourage the receiver to reply promptly. When a request does NOT involve a future sale, we should make our letter even more convenient for our reader by: 1. Listing the specific facts we want. 2. Enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries 3. Suggesting a way in which we can reciprocate. Dear Mr. Greenbaum: I am taking a course in Principles of Advertising at Smithville Community College in Smithville, Ohio, and am doing my term project on the ways in which
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries American automobile manufacturers have been competing in the small-car market. I would therefore greatly appreciate your sending me the following specifications on the new RX-7: 1. Fuel economy statistics. 2. Technological advances (such as steering system, brake system, and engine
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries capacity). 3. Available options. I would also find it very helpful if you told me in which magazine (or other mass media) you began your advertising campaign. I am certain my classmates will find this
REQUEST LETTERS Inquiries information extremely interesting. I will be sure to send you a copy of my report as soon as it is complete. Respectfully yours,
REQUEST LETTERS Orders Many companies use special forms for ordering merchandise or service, called: a purchase order (if they are their own) an order form (if it is provided by the seller) These forms have blank spaces for the necessary information. REQUEST LETTERS
REQUEST LETTERS Orders Every order should include: the name of the item being ordered the item's number (catalog number, style number, model number, and so on) quantity desired (often in large units such as dozens, cases, reams) description (such as size, weight, color, material, finish, extra features) REQUEST LETTERS
REQUEST LETTERS Orders unit price applicable discounts applicable sales tax total price method of payment (such as charge account, including the account number, c.o.d., check)
REQUEST LETTERS Orders desired delivery date method of shipment (such as parcel post or air express) delivery address (which may vary from the billing address) authorized signature order source (such as the title and issue
REQUEST LETTERS Orders date) if the order is in response to an advertisement of a magazine or newspaper).