Enter your Visual Outcomes ID and password
Select from 4 layouts. Select Practitioner
Clinical screenAppointment screenClick on Appointment Calendar
To access the client left click on client appointment in the column. Client appears in the Client Director.
Check the name in the Client Director is the same as in appointment book #Visual Outcomes RULE: client who is in the Client Director is in every screen of Visual Outcomes
To start the treatment session click on Clinical Screen of Clinical tab in the Client Director #Visual Outcomes RULE: client who is in the Client Director is in every screen of Visual Outcomes
Check name in the Clinical Screen
Front Desk operator may be asked to “Arrive” flag the client in the waiting room. Practitioner then can click the “Start” flag
Select from the thumbnail browser “logo” screen
Open from the symbol browser “Health Speciality” symbol set by clicking on double arrow Select with ‘one click’ the symbol e.g. Osteo
Place symbol anywhere on the “logo” screen with the second click #Visual Outcomes RULE: words attached to the symbol appear in the RHS box below the clinical surface
Open from the symbol browser “Teachlearn” symbol set by clicking on double arrow Select with ‘one click’ the symbol e.g. Sup
Place symbol anywhere on the “logo” screen with the second click #Visual Outcomes RULE: words attached to the symbol appear in the RHS box below the clinical surface
Use “Undo” button to remove last used symbol and words attached to it from the screen #Visual Outcomes RULE: the symbols and their attached words in the RHS box can be removed
Click on the ‘yellow file’ icon in the centre, and the typed words will go to the left box “the type box” for typing additional words. #Visual Outcomes RULE: the words in the LHS box can’t be removed with “Undo” button, to delete, highlight and Delete
To save finished typed treatment note using the ‘save’ (lock) on the RHS top of clinical screen.
Refresh and you see it in the chronological history notes of that client in the LHS of the clinical screen.
When you have done your treatment notes ‘click’ the FINISH flag