1. Leadership Development - Love & Service - Obedience & Presence - Commitment (Creative & Innovative) - Humility (with servant heart) - Rooted in Catholic Faith / Apologetic (defender of faith) - Leaders must know the basic prayers -Leaders must have two (2) level pastoring.
- Leaders should know what they are doing UL must be spiritually matured than the HHL. UL are the parents of their HHL and members. UL must know the names of their members. UL received direction and obey from their upper HHH, and they also received concerns and complains from their lower HH and members. HHL must know that their HH is a small church. HHL must also know that what their member’s perception at them is also the members perception to the community.
2. Growth in Holiness Measures to indicate progress: - Growth in membership retention. - Growth in the 3 T’s. Challenges: - Even MC, only 35% attendance in gatherings & teachings - No pastoral tracking
Interventions: - Caring and Nurturing of members - Connection to God not to leader or member - Pastoral visitations - One on one - Service rotation (new service assignment not promotion) - As a Mission Core member, you can be assigned to other areas of Metro Manila.
RESOLUTION - CONDUCT MORE LEADERSHIP TRAININGS - (Training the trainor / Speaker’s Training) - Sector to conduct the 1 st PFO Teaching Camp
3. MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Issue: Declining membership & retention
4. Presence of CFC in Parish Issue: How to Strengthen relationship with Parish
E & M RESOLUTION WILL CLEAN UP THE MEMBERSHIP (Real, authentic, correct listing of membership) Reduction of members – Low member retention: (more teachings for leaders, (suggested: leaders assembly every quarter per cluster, optional: can provide special topics/teachings for leaders). CLP low graduates – the team are not prepared- not enough preparation : (one CLP per chapter/ or cluster wide CLP/ Non-mission areas. CLP service team must undergo required trainings/teachings. Use the 6 months preparation not the shotgun approach (both for the team & the participants). List down your prospects and pray for them. Target are not quantity but quality. Relationship with the Parish: Conduct MES for church integration.
Membership Database and Tithes WHY? CFC & SOLD – 4221 members (individual) 3472 were encoded as active members 1011 were encoded as without Household 378 leaders were without upper household 251 leaders were without lower household The sector database has been set up for the past 2 years. However, it needs constant monitoring by top leaders and regular updating by chapter servant (encoder). Turn over by trained coordinators to new coordinators was not properly done. Lack of appreciation by the sector leaders.
WHAT TO DO? Encourage participation of chapter leadership in viewing, monitoring and updating of membership data and use it as a pastoral tool. Regular reporting of cluster/chapter membership movements specifically changes in chapter servants (encoder). WHY ? For the month of July to October 2013, an average of 350 tithes transaction were recorded as tithes. WHAT TO DO? Continuing pastoral formation on financial stewardship for new and old members. Prepare new talks, topics and workshop to encourage member attendance. Give F.S. as often as necessary, to include in One on One. Bring back the tithes envelopes thru individual household and chapter heads to consistently monitor tithes compliance.
Set target for tithes improvements as follows: 50% by June % by Sept % by Dec 2014 Tithes monitoring: By Level- MC/by Unit/ by HH/ by Members South B MCG captured attendance: Total Members: 320 individuals July : MC Assembly – 137 : MC Teaching – 33 August MC Assembly – 142 Sept. MC Assembly – 98: MC Teaching – 49 Oct. MC Assembly – 197: MC Teaching Nov. Sectoral Assembly – 101 Issue: If you are an MC before but you don’t have a service now,- are you still a member of the MC?
BCOP & ANCOP - Love and service to our brethren thru the example of Christ. - We are our brother’s keepers - What we do to the least of our brethren, we do it to God. (It is our unseen bank account, by Bo Sanchez) RESOLUTION: All members to participate, immerse in all our work with the poor programs.
F INANCE: There is more “fund” in SB? Put together the Fun Runs (YFC, Migrants, SFC, etc…) Sector outing every other year. Activities outside or non E & M will be funded. Sector Raffle Ticket: Total Printed Tickets= 11,000 booklets. For SB1: Alloted: 600 booklets Distributed: 300 booklets Raffle Draw : Dec. 7, 2013 Deadline of Remittance: Dec. 6, 2013 Required sales per cluster: 75% of the distributed booklets (225 booklets = P 56,250.00)
Remaining Activities for 2013: Nov. 19 – MC Teaching (Christ the King) Nov. 23 – CLF (San Carlos Seminary) Nov. 24 – MW Fun Run ( Sta. Rosa, Laguna) - SKV (Sta. Rita College, Prnque) - Metro Manila Music Ministry Conference (Meriam College, QC, 8am-6pm, 300/head inclusive of lunch, 1 or more per chapter) Dec. 1 - MC Gathering (Tanghalang Pasigueno, Pasig) Dec. 7 – Sector Raffle Ticket Draw Dec. 14 – Cluster Christmas Party
Dates of Activities for 2014: Jan. 11: Leaders Conference ( Araneta Coleseum) Jan : MC Weekend ( Baguio) Feb. 22 : BCOP Congress Feb : MER 1 & 2 (Sectoral) Mar. 9 : Training the Trainor Mar. 23 : Echo Conference Apr : ABBA Father (Sectoral) May 11 : ANCOP Global Walk May 18 : 1 st PFO Training Camp May : MER 3 (Sectoral)
CLP Team Building – Jan 26 Leaders Assembly – Mar 16 & Sept 21 MES - Feb 09 KFC Camp - March YFC Camp – May Cluster Assembly – Jan. 24 & June 6 Sportsfest April 20