REPORT 14 to 22 April, 2008
We Live Together The Study Course on Disaster Emergency Response and Recovery was held from April 2008 in Beijing, China. 14 officers and experts in charge of disaster management from APEC member economies attended the study course.
Objectives To exchange information of disaster risk management, and share experiences on disaster emergency response and recovery To further enhancing the Capacity on disaster management of APEC member economies. To jointing efforts on capacity development and cooperation To being lasting friends from unfamiliarity via classmates.
We study as classmates: The study course provided a platform to exchange information about their experiences and practises and to further enhance the capabilities of the related countries and regions in the field of disaster emergency response and recovery. The study course introduced the theory, practice, experience and lessons about disaster emergency and recovery. Member economies took the opportunity to learn from cases of disaster management and benefited from lectures of the experts, researchers, government officials, representatives from agencies responsible for emergency preparedness and disaster relief, and from international institutions such UNICEF, WFP and Actionaid International of China Office.
We study as classmates: The study course was opened by Dr. Wang Zhenyao, Director General of Disaster Reduction and Social Relief Department, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China. The study course was divided into 4 sessions: 1) Comprehensive Disaster Reduction Management; 2) Disaster Emergency Response and Disaster Relief; 3) Recovery and Rehabilitation; and 4) Social Resources Mobilization. The course combined in-class training with field visit to Tangshan of Hebei Province, where a strong earthquake took place in The visit provided an opportunity for participants to learn how to coordinate with other department and to provide relief assistance to victims after huge disasters happen.
We study as classmates: Session Ⅰ.Comprehensive disaster reduction management A presentation made by Dr. Wang Zhenyao introduced about disaster management in China. He provided two cases to further explain: the low temperature, freezing rain, snow and ice in South China in early 2008 and Typhoon Billis in July During the session, the participants visited National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC).
We study as classmates: Visit to the NDRCC Dr.Yuan Yi give a speech on disaster information management, including disaster information collection, arrangement and storages, analysis and assessment, distribution and service Dr. Yang Siquan mainly focuses on Space Technology in disaster management, including space technology application, small satellite constellation, international cooperation mechanism (UNSPIDER and Charter)
We study as classmates: Session Ⅱ.Emergency response and relief There were four presentations made by officers and experts. First presentation: Prof. Fang Weihua from Beijing Normal University summarized experiences and lessons of the freezing rain and snow-ice disaster in Second presentation about Disaster Emergency Response System in China was introduced by Dr. Lai Hongzhou, Deputy Director of NDRCC, who talked about China’s disaster response and relief system at the central and local levels, the coordination mechanism, working procedures, information collection, relief fund and material distribution and checking, resettlement management, etc. Third presentation: Prof. Cheng Xiaotao gave a presentation on recent progress in flood management as well as flood threats to China today. Fourth presentation: Prof. Michael K. Lindell lectured on Disaster Response and Recovery: The Cases of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in US.
We study as classmates: Session Ⅲ. Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation There was series of lectures about disaster recovery and rehabilitation. Prof. Ye Yaoxian introduced earthquakes in APEC area, post-disaster reconstruction models and plans. Dr. Zheng Yuanchang presented the procedures on disaster recovery in China: disaster recovery assessment, public involvement, approval process, recovery planing, audit, etc. He also gave an example about the recovery scheme after the 2003 earthquake in Xinjiang of China. Mr. Sun Yanna described structure design and type of dwelling houses in post-disaster reconstruction. Prof. Liu Jin lectured on post-disaster psychosocial intervention for both disaster victims and responders.
We study as classmates: Session IV: Social resources mobilization Ms. Feng Yuan , Coordinator for Gender and Women’s Rights of the China Office of Actionaid International, gave a presentation on empowering women in building resilient communities. And Ms. Yin Yin, Representative of UNICEF in China, introduced the roles of the United Nations in emergencies.
We study as classmates: During the course, participants from APEC economies shared their experiences and practices in disaster management, namely: 1 ) Review of the Tropical Cyclone Warning System in Hong Kong after Passage of Typhoon Prapiroon in ) Disaster Management in Malaysia 3 ) Earthquake from Pisco-Peru of 15 August ) Philippines Emergency Response and Recovery 5 ) Lessons learned from Responding to Typhoon and Flood from Chinese Taipei 6) Presentaion on Disaster Emergency Response and Recovery in PR China
We study as classmates: other activities Group Exercise1: How to applicant US practices to disaster reduction facilitated by Dr. Michael K. Lindell Exercise2: Disaster Preparedness is more important than emergency response by facilitated by Miao Hongjun Discussion1: Role of Women in Disasters Management Discussion2: how to improve the Regional cooperation among APEC
We study as classmates: What did the participants suggest? Share the best practices, experience and knowledge of other economies; Assist establishment of network between developed and less developed economies; Share information and data; Establish mutual assistance system; Promote agreements of cooperation between APEC economies. Formulate of a strategic agenda of APEC economics on mutual assistance in DRR;
Thank you!