1 BTeV Status Collaboration Status New Groups University of Iowa - C. Newsom (Pixels) Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP - Protvino) - A. Derevschikov, Y. Goncharenko, V. Khodyrev, A.P. Meschanin, L. V. Nogach, K. E. Shestermanov, L. F. Soloviev and A. N. Vasiliev (EM calorimeter) New People Minnesota - A. Smith (Simulations) Syracuse - R. Mountain (RICH & EM cal) Syracuse - G. Majumder (EM cal simulations ) S. Stone 11/5/99
2 Pixel Test Beam Activities Pixel tests - Great Results see Joel’s talk
3 Muon Tests Muon tests tube design robust - no broken wires tubes are efficient > 95% on ArCO 2, with wide plateaus noise issues addressed Straw tube tests planned but not started due to lack of resources
4 Electronics & DAQ Workshop Organized with Ed Barsotti - Oct. 8-9, 1999 Preliminary front end designs for all BTeV systems Data flow to L1 buffer specified Trigger and readout specified High Voltage systems discussed with CAEN on Nov. 4, 1999
5 Schedule: Simulations Now Working: BTeV GEANT, trigger, Calorimeter code including clustering (needs to be tuned) Fix detector geometry 12/18 Material Budget Studies (No, we don't require less material, but it would be nice) 1/7 Working interface to GEANT or MCFAST 1/1 Generate physics backgrounds (over Xmas holidays) Finish final states requested by PAC: B o , D* - +, B s D s - K + 3/1 MCFAST studies of other processes 4/1
6 Oganization for Proposal - Pixels & Tracking Pixels Groups: CMU, Fermilab, IIT, Iowa, Milano, Syracuse, Wisconsin Plan: Beam Tests of Fpix0, Fpix1 and path to final BTeV chip; engineering for full system asked for, but not yet provided Tracking systems (straw tubes and silicon) Groups: Indiana, Milano, Tenn. Plan: Full system design
7 Schedule: Pixels Beam test runs, finish 1/17 Analysis of test runs finish 3/1 Sensor delivery 2/15 Initial tests 2/15 – 3/30 0.25 CMOS, test chip 12/15, results 2/1 Pre FPIX2, submission 12/15, results 5/1 Bump bonding yield tests 3/1 HDI flex cable module test 3/1 Mechanical pre prototype 3/1
8 Oganization/schedule - RICH Groups: Syracuse Plan: Full design, aerogel tests, PMT or HPD choice Some aerogel samples procured, tests to start soon, finish 3/1 Met with Hamamatsu about multi-anode phototubes, will meet again in Dec. to discuss costs and delivery issues. Finalize design 4/1, full cost estimate 5/1
9 Oganization for Proposal - EM cal hardware Groups: IHEP, FNAL, Minn., Syracuse, York Plan: Full design including sizes, simulations, PMT choice, optimum readout (QIE) design IHEP & Minn. Groups in contact with PbWO 4 producers, discussion on crystal sizes, schedules, costs begun; trips soon Talks held at Syracuse with Hamamatsu about phototubes
10 Phototubes Constraints Crystal size – 26 mm x 26 mm allows standard 1” tube. For 1 1/8” tube need 30 mm x 30 mm (still tight 1 1/8” = 29 mm) We reject 24.7 mm 2 (baseline as too small, can only use ¾” tube, which KTeV does, but its too expensive Note 26 mm 2 36,000 crystals (both arms) while 30 mm 2 gives “only” 27,000 Radiation Damage Expect something like 140 Mrad, 10 year dose in worst place at 2 interactions/crossing Can be handled with quartz window pm tubes from Hamamatsu. UV glass goes to 1/3 Mrad. Russian FEU-115 tested to 34 Mrad (may be better) but is 29 mm diameter
11 Phototubes II High Quantum Efficiency Required We are photon statistics limited E =1.6%/ E 0.55% Hamamatsu tubes may have larger light output Tube must also have good linearity at high current ~ 30 ma (KTeV ~ 80 ma) Candidate Hamamatsu & FEU tubes identified. We will visit Hamamatsu in early Dec. to get cost and delivery schedule on 1” and 1 1/8” tubes
12 Schedule: Calorimeter PbWO 4 – Get price and delivery schedules 3/1 Phototubes – Choice and cost estimate of baseline – 2/1 HV, bases, cable costs 3/1
13 Oganization/schedule - Trigger/DAQ Organization Groups: CMU, FNAL, IIT Plan: Decide if two-plane trigger can work; demonstrate that trigger is of adequate speed; show that efficiency and rejection are adequate Schedule Trigger hardware timing studies Level 1 - 2/15 Level 2 – 4/1 Level 3 strategy 4/1
14 Schedule: Muons Groups: Illinois, Pavia, Puerto Rico, Vanderbilt Beam Backgrounds using STRUCT and GEANT (Vandy) 1/1 – 4/15 Trigger Development, Simulation, and Studies (PR, Ill., Vandy) 1/1 – 4/15 Complete Assembly and Testing of 2nd generation "plank" (design changes motivated by beam tests). Needed for accurate system cost estimate. (Vandy, Ill.) 1/15 Prototype work on readout electronics: both front-ends and downstream electronics: needed for accurate system cost estimate (Vandy) 1/15 – 4/15
15 Resources BTeV R & D IS RESOURCE LIMITED Have had difficulty with DOE providing funding for R & D for an experiment that is not approved. Bad Press? We do not have enough money for all hardware tests, or enough engineering to do as good a job on the proposal as we are capable of doing We will do our best, given the limited resources available. Some additional hardware funds and engineering resources from the lab would be most helpful
16 1 st GEANT – MCFAST Comparison GEANT MCFAST