Charlottesville Obesity and Pregnancy Health Summit 2011 Lilian Peake, MD, MPH Charlottesville-Albemarle Health Department October 18, 2011
Infant Mortality Albemarle, Charlottesville and Virginia, Source: Virginia Department of Health
Infant Mortality by Race Albemarle, Charlottesville and Virginia, Percent Infant Deaths < 1 Yr of Age/ 1000 Live Births Healthy People 2020 Target Source: Virginia Department of Health C’ville & Alb Black
Percent of Low Weight (<2500g) Births Albemarle, Charlottesville, Virginia,
Prevalence of Obesity by State 2010 Virginia26.0% Percent of Adults Who Are Obese (BMI > 30)
Self-Reported Prevalence of Adult Obesity Thomas Jefferson Health District, Virginia, Source: BRFSS
Percent of Overweight &Obese Fifth Graders Charlottesville and Albemarle, 2004, 2007, 2010
Pre-pregnancy Obesity by Race/Ethnicity Virginia,
Pre-pregnancy Obesity by Education Virginia,
Pre-pregnancy Obesity by Age Virginia,
Pre-pregnancy Obesity by Income Virginia,
Excessive Weight Gain during Pregnancy by Pre-pregnancy BMI, Virginia,
Percent of Women Who Initiated Breastfeeding by Weight, Virginia,