Participate in Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare 2
Health and safety policies A health and safety policy is an organisation's statement detailing how they will ensure a healthy and safe work environment. Individual policies will need to be developed for specific hazards and issues, for example, smoking in the workplace, manual handling and first aid. Who is involved with policies? Managers Supervisors Employees Health and Safety Coordinator Health and Safety Committee Health and Safety Representatives
Who are Health and Safety Reps? Workgroups are to be formed within 14 days of a request from an employee. Reps may be elected by the employees of the workgroup to represent the work group.
Function of OHS&W Reps may include Inspect the whole or part of the workplace. Accompany an inspector Investigate complaints Be present at interviews Make representation to the employer Call in a consultant.
Employers responsibilities (Sect 19 OHS&W act 1986) Consult the rep and committee on any changes to the workplace. Consult the rep and committee on any policy and procedure changes. Allow the rep to be present at employee interview. Permit the rep to accompany an inspector at the workplace. Permit the rep to have access to information. Notify the rep of workplace accident or injury. Provide rep with facilities to carry out their function. Allow rep time off work without loss of pay. Immediately notify rep if an inspector attends workplace.
Default Notice If a OHS&W dispute can not be resolved after consultation the OHS&W rep has the ability to issue a default notice. A default notice can be issued on the Firm, CEO, Manager, Supervisor, Employee, Individual,
Cessation of work notice If an OHS&W rep identifies a hazard that is deemed immediately dangerous they may issue a cessation of work notice
Discrimination An employer shall not (OHS&W s56): Dismiss an employee. Injure an employee. Threaten, intimidate or coerce an employee. Who is a OHS&W rep, is on a OHS&W committee, assists an inspector or has made a OHS&W complaint.
Hazard Management 4 steps 1. Hazard identification 2. Risk assessment 3. Risk control 4. Evaluate and monitor
Hazard identification Walk through survey Workplace inspection Statistics/records Incident investigation Consultation with employees Documentation Job/task analysis
Keep records In all matters relating to OHS&W, if you need to deal with a manger or supervisor, ensure you make notes on any conversation. These can be used later to refresh your memory.