Pre-Engineering Magnet Program Westside High School
Pre-Engineering Magnet Program Westside High School Bibb County Macon, GA
What is the Pre-Engineering Magnet Program? Although the term engineering is in the title of our magnet program, our magnet students are not limited to the field of engineering.
What is the Pre-Engineering Magnet Program? Students interested in math, science, medicine, or the military as fields of study and as a possible career will benefit from participation in the many challenges offered through our magnet program.
What is the Pre-Engineering Magnet Program? Our magnet students have pursued college majors such as civil and mechanical engineering, chemistry, automotive design, acoustics, textile engineering, computer applications and medicine.
How does the program benefit a student? The magnet program has a core curriculum that focuses on math and science classes, many offered at the advanced, gifted, or AP level. Unique to the magnet program, students are required to take Science Research I in 9th grade, Science Research II in 10th grade, and Computer Programming their junior year.
How does the program benefit a student? Our experience has been that these academic classes at the higher level often offer the additional benefit of smaller class sizes and more opportunity for teacher-student interaction and instruction. Additional independent study and specialized classes are available for students with an interest in classes not ordinarily offered at the high school level.
How does the program benefit a student? Our magnet students have more to offer on their college applications, more opportunities for college grants and scholarships, and are well prepared for the rigors of college classes - able to make a smoother transition from the high school to the college environment.
Pre-Engineering Magnet Potential? Naturally curious – wants to know why Problem solver – wants to know how Creative thinker – wants to find a better way Interested in Science, Math, Computers Tinkers or Putters Around Works to completion of task – and beyond Likes to explain things….
Characteristics of an Engineering Aptitude Cognitive Processes – Reasoning – Problem-solving – Creativity – Decision-making
Characteristics of an Engineering Aptitude Learning Domains – Mathematics – Science – Computers
Characteristics of an Engineering Aptitude Life Skills – Social (cooperative) Learning – Management/Organization – Effective Listening – Self-directed
Our magnet program students have a tradition of accomplishments and honors. As part of our magnet curriculum, students taking our sophomore Science Research II class routinely participate in Science Fair competition up to the State level, and we have had no less than 3 students advance to the prestigious and highly selective Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
We have established a tradition of students selected for the top 50 research projects in the state by the Georgia Junior Science and Humanities Symposium sponsored by the United States Armed Forces and hosted by the University of Georgia. Our magnet program students have a tradition of accomplishments and honors.
…A recent graduate from Westsides magnet program is currently attending the United States Military Academy at West Point under full scholarship. …A magnet program student who recently graduated from college is now working for Shell Oil as a chemical engineer.
Independent Research Through our program of guided scientific research, magnet students have designed and developed automatic fertilization equipment, portable electric guitars, ecological pest control, blood protein analysis, acoustic dampening, and many, many more prize-winning projects.
Competitive Design Magnet students enjoy our annual tradition of Boat Races at Lake Seminole! Science Research and AP Physics classes compete to see who can design and build the fastest human- powered boat using 100% recycled materials.
Competitive Design Spaghetti Bridge Science Research I
Trebuchet AP Physics Competitive Design
Curriculum Freshman Year Magnet ClassScience Research I ScienceBiology G MathAccelerated Math (A/B sched) Language Arts9 th Literature G (A/B sched) Social StudiesGovernment AP ElectiveComputer Applications ElectivePE/Health NOTE: One elective can be deferred to Sophomore year to accommodate Band, ROTC, or other area of significant interest.
Curriculum Sophomore Year Magnet ClassScience Research II ScienceChemistry G MathAccelerated Math II Social StudiesWorld History AP Language Arts10 th Literature H or G Elective
Curriculum Junior Year Magnet ClassComputer Programming ScienceBio/Chem/EnvSci AP MathAccelerated Math III Social StudiesUS History H or AP Language Arts11 th Literature H or AP Elective NOTE: One elective slot may be taken depending on choice of AP classes (full year AP course)
Curriculum Senior Year Magnet ClassComputer Programming II or Odyssey Class of the Mind SciencePhysics H or AP MathCalculus/Statistics AP Social StudiesEconomics Language Arts12 th Literature H or AP Elective
Selection Process Application Online Form Downloadable Form We have forms here for you Review of Student Transcript Grades Accelerated or Gifted Classes Discipline Letter of Acceptance Unconditional Acceptance Provisional Acceptance Alternate for Acceptance
Selection Process Application Online Form Downloadable Form We have forms here for you
Online Forms 1.Go to the Westside Home Page 2.Click on the Magnet Link
Online Forms 1.On the Magnet Welcome page….. 2.Click on the Inquiry and Application Form link
Online Forms Fill out an application Online or Download a form to fill out by hand
Online Forms The online form is easy to fill out, and will be ed to Westside when finished.
Selection Process Review of Student Transcript Grades Accelerated or Gifted Classes Discipline
Selection Criteria Grade Evaluation: Pre-Engineering Magnet (Scores less than indicated will require support from Standardized Scores and/or references for consideration) Grade Point Average 7th Grade (85%): _____ Grade Point Average Year-To-Date 8th Grade (85%): _____ Science Grade 7th Grade (85%): _____ Enrolled in accelerated science 8th Grade: YES || NO Science Grade Year-To-Date 8th Grade (85%): _____ Math Grade 7th Grade (85%): _____ Enrolled in accelerated math 8th Grade: YES || NO Algebra or Math Grade Year-To-Date 8th Grade (85%): _____
Selection Process Letter of Acceptance Unconditional Acceptance Provisional Acceptance Alternate for Acceptance
Pre-Engineering Magnet Program Westside High School