PAINT BASICS for APPLICATORS Dan P. Buelk PCS Presented by:
Paint....Simple? Yes! It’s nothing more than a… Chemical Menagerie in A Can!
Whatcha paintin? Look familiar?
Let’s get ready to paint... What’s the surface aka substrate? Drywall, wood, stucco or EIFS? Block ~ Concrete ~ Masonry? Metal ~ Ferrous or Non-ferrous? Galvanized – is it spangled? Pre-Painted – with what? New – or has it already been coated?
Paint....Simple!!! Paint comes in a CAN !
It’s ALL on the Can! Where to use it... Surface prep requirements... Application... Coverage... Dry times... Clean-up... SEE THE DATA SHEET FOR MORE DETAILS!
If All ELSE & follow By Label Direction! Each coating has it’s own little quirks! -Oilpaints are effected by temperature -Latex paints are effected by humidity -Waterbornes paints are effected by surface preparation -Epoxies are effected by... d. All of the above.
Paint....Simple!!! Paint comes in a CAN ! Paint is usually WET !
The 4 PAINT Basics... Solids Binder Additives Vehicle
How much do you need? A liquid having 100% VOLUME SOLIDS Will cover an area 1604 square 1 mil thick How large an area are you painting? What are the VOLUME SOLIDS of the paint you are going to use? 1 mil=1604 x VS% What DRY FILM THICKNESS is recommended? Rec. 1DFT/Rec Mils Gallons needed = Area to painted / Rec. DFT
Is it READY to PAINT, yet? Loose flakes removed & sanded Holes filled Bare Areas PRIMED?
What’s in the BUDGET? Surface Preparation requirements of the coating Expected longevity Number of Coats needed for SYSTEM Are specifications WRITTEN? Who’s going to do the work?
QUALITY PAYS REWARDS! Do the surface prep to Label Direction! Use the HIGHEST quality coating available! It’s cheaper to do it RIGHT!!! than it is to do it AGAIN!!!
I know... It’s not in the BUDGET ! & the..... is in the...
Surface Prep, what’s that? Is it CLEAN? I mean CLEAN!!! REALLY CLEANREALLY CLEAN? And is it… S = sound? C = clean? A = abraded? D = dry?
Paint....Simple!!! Paint comes in a CAN ! Paint is usually WET ! Apply WET paint to SURFACE !
How ya gunna get it out the bucket? –Apply WET paint to SURFACE! Brush = 98% Efficient Roll = 96% Efficient Spray... Airless = 50% Efficient Air = 25% Efficient HVLP = 85% Efficient
They want to use it Remember...the term... COATING SYSTEMCOATING SYSTEM This is to include surface preparation, one coat of primer (as needed) and either.. One FINISH Coat or an Intermediate Coat & 1 or 2 Finish Coats SO,
Paint....Simple!!! Paint comes in a CAN ! Paint is usually WET ! Apply WET paint to SURFACE ! Paint DRIES!!! spread the paint... Now let it dry... the CAN... 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours or... OVERNITE! & What’s the RECOAT time?
Picking A Paint & not so simple!!! Pittsburgh Paints Alocit (you can apply under water!) Magic Paint Jotun Paint Flood-Pro Stains PPG MegaSeal Finishes EnviroPeel
Do it RIGHT call... High Quality Coatings! Just in Time delivery! Paint for every situation! And every project budget Architectural... Commercial... Industrial... So, lets’ get to work...
What’s your Name? I got your Number... ManorHall 86 Line SpeedHide 6 Line Direct to Metal Acrylic 90 Line Aquapon (Solvent Based) 97- (Call Danny on this one!) Aquapon-WB 98 Line Alocit SunProof 78 Line, ect Pitthane Ultra 95-?
We’ll do our part to help! Professional advise on the coating type needed Stay within your budget We’ll be readily available throughout your job We have the expertise to make the job GO RIGHT!!! Hassle FREE!!! All we ask you to do is....
Just...ASK4DAN (757)