Computer Architecture Group Brian Coghlan Jeremy Jones Michael Manzke Andy Nisbet David Gregg John Waldron Jonathan Dukes Computer Architecture Group Parallel Convergent Distributed Mobile Trinity College Dublin
Computer Architecture Group Trinity College Dublin Parallel Computing CAG Clusters Real-Time Performance Monitoring Computational Grid Technologies dB Performance Analysis Grids Cluster Technologies Core Research Fault-Tolerance
Computer Architecture Group Trinity College Dublin Performance Monitoring & Analysis dB Performance Analysis
Computer Architecture Group Trinity College Dublin Cluster Technologies SINTEF Dolphin ICS Fujitsu-Siemens Infineon (Siemens) Thompson CSF Trinity College Dublin University of Oslo BullMotorola [Norway][Norway] [Germany/France] [Germany] [France][Ireland][Norway][Italy][Germany] Scalable Coherent Interconnect [ IEEE-1596 SCI ] Scalable Coherent Interconnect [ IEEE-1596 SCI ] The Department has 4 x small SCI clusters, with different topologies: The Department has 4 x small SCI clusters, with different topologies: Clos-switched Clos-switched 2-d Torus 2-d Torus 1-d Ringlet 1-d Ringlet Industrial Real-Time Industrial Real-Time
Computer Architecture Group Trinity College Dublin Grid Technologies Grid-Ireland Grid-Ireland Management Grid-Ireland Management Execution Models Execution Models Grid Timestamps Grid Timestamps Network Tracing Network Tracing CosmoGrid CosmoGridDataGrid WP3 R-GMA WP3 R-GMA WP6 CA group WP6 CA group WP6 Testbeds WP6 TestbedsCrossGrid WP3 Grid Monitoring WP3 Grid Monitoring WP4 Testbeds WP4 Testbeds
Computer Architecture Group Trinity College Dublin Grid-Ireland [ Pilot OCT-1999 : Dublin-----Cork V1.0 established JUN-2001 V2.0 scheduled JUN-2002 Managed layer above HEAnet First VO == CosmoGrid Grid-enabled Computational Physics of Natural Phenomena Led by DIAS Dublin Galway Cork Associated with Associated with:
Computer Architecture Group Trinity College Dublin CosmoGrid [ Grid-enabled Computational Physics of Natural Phenomena VO: Astrophysicists Geophysicists Atmospheric Physicists Computer Scientists 9 Institutions 60 Individuals 3 Beowulf clusters linked via Grid-Ireland over HEAnet 6 Grid gateways
Computer Architecture Group Trinity College Dublin Grid-Ireland Site Structure LCFG serverproxy-arp FirewallIrish GIIS / R-GMALocal GIIS / R-GMARAID serversCE00CExyNIS master & slaveSEHTTP serverNet Tracer1Gbps switch VLAN CA serverRA serverRMS / LB server