Reports, Enquiries and Extracts Uncovered For Choose and Book R2.3
What is a REPORT? a predefined list of data for a predefined date period generated either weekly or monthly on a set day for example: there is a report in CAB showing how future slots are already being utilised or booked in to in a provider during the month of May 2005
Picture of a sample report An example of a report
What is an ENQUIRY? a set of data for a period of time specified by the user the data is collected when the enquiry is run therefore it is always up to date for example: there is an enquiry in CAB showing which referrals have breached the 2 week wait time that you can run for your own specified period of time (e.g. from 21 st April – 15 th May) and this data is live at the point you run the enquiry
Picture of a sample enquiry An example of an enquiry
What is an EXTRACT? a set of data in CSV format, compressed into a ‘.zip’ file generated automatically every month for a set period of time, (much like a report) that can be downloaded and extracted into your local database for example: there is an extract in CAB of those UBRNs that have not been fulfilled (bookings completed) for BMS staff to send reminder letters to
Benefits of Reports, Enquiries and Extracts Provide information to inform management decisions Provide information for monitoring activity within your organisation Provide information for monitoring activity of trusts in your SHA area Provide information for tracking patients
Which reports, enquiries and extracts can I access? The Business Function you use to log in to CAB determines which reports, enquiries and extracts the end user can access e.g. Referring Clinician will have access to a different set of reports, enquiries and extracts from the Information Analyst SHA etc.
Information Analyst Roles There are 4 different Information Analyst business functions in CAB: Information Analyst Service Provider (SP) Information Analyst Commissioning Organisation Information Analyst SHA Information Analyst BMS Each of these different Information Analyst business functions can access a different set of reports, enquiries and extracts
Accessing Reports, Enquiries and Extracts The end user manuals for all the business functions in CAB explain the steps for each role to access whichever reports or enquiries or extracts their role allows The end user manuals are downloadable from
Finding information about reports, enquiries and extracts The following slides list what reports, enquiries and extracts are available to each business function within CAB A more detailed document is available for downloading from ts/reports_and_enquiries_user_manual.pdf
How to access a Report Log in to Choose and Book with your Smartcard Click on your homepage Click to reveal the reports available to your role Select the report you wish to view Click on of the date for the report you wish to view
You can now view and print off the report you have selected
Referring roles’ REPORTS: (referring clinician, referring clinician admin, referring admin) Report titleContent RORO2 Bookings by PriorityWeekly report on what bookings have been made by the referring organisation RORO7 Activity by PriorityMonthly report on all activity of the referring organisation RORO8 Referral AnalysisMonthly report on all the appointment requests initiated by, and the number of rejected referrals of the referring organisation RORO9 Channel ProfileMonthly report on which channels are used by which users to put transactions through CAB ROR10 Practice SummaryMonthly report with an overview of activity of each referrer in the practice by specialty and priority
Provider roles’ REPORTS: (service provider clinician, service provider admin, information analyst provider) Report titleContent SPR02 Two week wait attendedMonthly report on the outcome of two week wait appointments for the provider organisation SPR03 Activity by referrerMonthly report of the referrals made to that provider organisation from referring organisations SPR04 Service referral analysisMonthly report of the referral and appointment activity of the provider organisation SPR07 Referral analysisMonthly report of the referral patterns into the provider organisation SPR09 Past slot utilisationMonthly report of the bookings and unused appointment slots for all specialties for that provider organisation SPR10 Future slot utilisationWeekly report of the bookings and unused appointment slots for the future 13 weeks for all services of the provider organisation SPR11 Service activityMonthly report on appointments and cancellations for all services in the provider organisation SPR12 Modified referralsMonthly report showing those referrals to the provider that have been modified by a priority or due date SPR13 Assessment centre analysisMonthly report showing bookings and the outcome of bookings made to CASs in the provider organisation
Commissioning roles’ REPORTS: (Commissioner) Report titleContent CORO5 Commissioned services Monthly report showing the services commissioned by that commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT)
Commissioning roles’ REPORTS: (Information Analyst Commissioning Organisation) CORO1 Past slot utilisationMonthly report of bookings and unused appointment slots for all services commissioned by the commissioning organisation CORO2 Practice summaryMonthly report on all referrals and transactions by referrers from the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) CORO3 Referral analysisMonthly report on appointment requests and rejected referrals for referrers from the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) CORO4 Activity by providerMonthly report of the activity for each specialty commissioned by the commissioning organisation CORO5 Commissioned servicesMonthly report on services commissioned by the commissioning organisation CORO6 Channel profile reportMonthly report showing the channels used for transactions in CAB from users in the commissioning organisation CORO7 Referral analysisMonthly report showing the referral patterns of referrers from within the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) CORO8 Future slot utilisationWeekly report showing all bookings and unused slots for all services commissioned by the organisation for the future 13 weeks CORO9 Assessment centre analysisMonthly report showing booked appointments to CASs where the referrer is from the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) COR10 Modified referralsMonthly report showing referrals that have been modified by priority or due date from within the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) Onward referralsMonthly report showing progress against the DH incentive scheme Initial referralsMonthly report enabling a PCT to report on progress against the DH incentive scheme
SHA roles’ REPORTS: (Information analyst SHA) Report TitleContent SHARO7 Past slot utilisation Monthly report showing bookings and unused slots for all specialties commissioned by commissioning organisations within that SHA SHARO8 Future slot utilisation Weekly report showing all bookings and unused slots for all services provided within that SHA for the future 13 weeks SHARO9 Channel profile Monthly report showing what channels are used by the commissioning organisations within the SHA for transactions in CAB
BMS roles’ REPORTS: (BMS admin, Information analyst BMS) Report TitleContent BMSRO1 Worklist analysis Daily report showing activity of the previous day on BMS worklists BMSRO2 Spectrum report Weekly report showing activity on BMS worklists BMSRO4 Channel profileMonthly report showing which channels are used by users within the commissioning organisations associated with the BMS to put transactions through CAB
How to access an Enquiry Log in to Choose and Book with your Smartcard Click on your homepage Click to reveal the enquiries available to your role Enter the Start Date and End Date for the enquiry you wish to run (NB: you must keep it within a range of 28 days maximum) You can filter the contents of the enquiry further by selecting from the picklist available Click Search
You can now view and print off the enquiry you have selected
Referring roles’ ENQUIRIES: (referring clinician, referring clinician admin, referring admin) Enquiry titleContent ROEO1 Two week waitShows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation with a two-week-wait priority ROEO3 Cancelled appointments Shows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation that have been cancelled ROEO4 Cancelled UBRNsShows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation that have had their UBRNs cancelled ROEO5 DNA’d appointmentsShows all appointments made from within your organisation that have been DNA’d ROEO6 Due date exceededShows all appointment bookings that are in the future from within your organisation that exceed the ‘due by’ date ROE11 Modified referralShows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation that have had their priority or due date modified
Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: (service provider clinician, service provider admin, information analyst provider) Enquiry titleContent SPE01 Two week wait breaches Shows all appointments booked into services in your organisation with a two-week-wait priority, where the decision to refer date and the appointment date are more than 14 days SPE05 Missing referral letters Shows all appointments booked to your service in your organisation that have not had a referral letter sent in CAB SPE06 AppointmentShows all appointments book to services in your organisation where the current status is scheduled, confirmed or DNA’d SPE08 Service directoryShows published services within your organisation
More Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: (Service Definer) Enquiry titleContent SPE08 Service directory Shows published services within your organisation
EXTRACTS NB: Information Analysts can access and download extracts, and the organisation for whom you are set up as an Information Analyst will determine the data included in your extract
How to access an Extract Log in to Choose and Book with your Smartcard Click on your homepage Click to reveal the extracts available to your role Select the extract you wish to view Click on CSV of the date for the extract you want to download Click on Open to see a WinZip box. Double click on the file of data you wish to open/extract. You will now see the extract of report data. Save it to your computer.
EXTRACTS available: (Information analysts) Extract titleContent EBSX01 DH ReturnsWeekly extract of booking and rebooking activities for that organisation EBSX02 UBRN actionMonthly extract of all activities for all UBRNs of that organisation EBSX03 Codified Fields Monthly extract of codified data (e.g. priority, DNA reason etc.) for that organisation EBSX04 OrganisationMonthly extract of organisations currently active in CAB EBSX05 ServiceMonthly extract of services currently active in CAB EBSX07 UserMonthly extract of users currently active in CAB EBSX08 Role ProfileMonthly extract of all currently active role profiles in CAB
BMS roles’ EXTRACTS: (Information analyst BMS) Extract titleContent BMSX03 BMS Transactions Weekly extract of all transactions (bookings, cancellations etc.) by originating PCT within the call centre BMSX04 Unfulfilled Appointments Letter 1 Daily extract to enable mass mailings of reminder letters to patients for unfulfilled bookings BMSX05 Unfulfilled Appointments Letter 2 Daily extract to enable mass mailings of reminder letters where the UBRN has already been in BMSX04 BMSX06 Appointment Reminder Letter Nightly extract of reminder letters for PCTs that are associated to the BMS call centre BMSX07 Letter Creation Statistics Monthly extract of the UBRNs that were in BMSX04 and BMSX05 per PCT per day
For more information: _and_enquiries_user_manual.pdf Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at Dowload the Information Analyst and Reports/Enquiries Manuals from n/toolkit/deployment/functionality/index_html/view Dowload the end user manuals showing how to access reports, enquiries and extracts from