18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop1 Exploitation Unpacking all the potential in a project Dr Wendy Sudbury Cambridge Management Group
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop2 Today’s goals Background Political pressure for value from research We define value differently in this sector Special challenges for exploitation are well understood Workshop General willingness to create better exploitation plans Help to improve skills and develop solutions Apply everything to your project
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop3 Timetable 9.15Three case studies 10.30Group work on the potential in your project 11.45Multiple products need multiple plans (presentation & group work) 1.00Lunch Business plans: Ideas or opportunities 15.00Working with others: legal instruments Tea break 16.00Alliances and partnerships Reflections
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop4 Three exploitation clusters Intangible good practice, know-how, publicity, contacts Building blocks surveys, models, standards “Commercial” exploitation for cash (customer/shareholder value) for social benefits (stakeholder/taxpayer value)... ultimately all activity must lead to exploitable outcomes
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop5 Activity 1 : am The chart offers some examples of different possible outputs Layout is designed to help identify all the different outputs Complete the chart for your project 15 minutes - discuss in pairs 20 minutes, one by one, tell your colleagues what you entered on your own chart Any new ideas?
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop6 The P’s of the Plan Proposition Product Purchaser Place Promotion Price People Process Physical evidence... Multiple actors and multiple products need multiple plans
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop7 The Proposition Product Proposition features & benefits aimed at a group of users At whom is your proposition aimed? Libraries Their readers / researchers Their funders Research community Software vendors Teachers, students, pupils Publishers Content owners
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop8 Segmentation A way of thinking about the needs and behaviour patterns of potential users, which helps you decide how to communicate with them and how to “package” your project outcomes to appeal to them Look for similarities in need, purchasing behaviour, or the nature of any interest in what you have to offer Group those with similar needs A segment has a viable identity, relevance, and size Start from how they view the world, not how you do
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop9 Segmentation Variables l GEOGRAPHIC Region City Size Density Climate lDISTRIBUTION End-user Distributor Retailer Service provider l RELATIONSHIP Opinion-former Policy maker Institution boss Researcher lROLE Professional role Support role Specifier User Beneficiary
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop10 Place, Promotion, Price Place availability & accessibility (when, where, bespoke or mass) customer service physical distribution (place, time, logistics) distribution channels (end-user, agent, wholesaler, retailer) Promotion direct marketing personal selling advertising multiple actors buyer specifier user buyer’s customer
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop11 People, Process, Physical People Operational staff as “product” waiter help desk trainer software engineer conference presenter Processes Operations as “product” restaurant, pub, event translation server “up” time updating content Physical evidence Background details as “product” furnishings layout & navigation of a web-site user manuals font size
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop12 Remember Multiple actors and multiple products need multiple plans
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop13 Questions Who is the customer? How do you reach them? Who will pay, and how much, by what means? What pricing and revenue model? User needs proven? Competing offerings? What will it take to meet user expectations? External factors in the sector? European dimensions? Quality control? Life cycle? Raising capital; sharing risk and rewards? Who in your consortium will undertake the tasks?
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop14 Activity 2: Discuss with your neighbour. Try to think about these questions in relation to your own project.
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop15 Check list: you and your team Who would have to do what, by when Any skills gaps? Any resources gaps? Possible ways to bridge the gaps?
18 November 1999Cambridge Management Group: Exploitation workshop16 Thank you for listening! Dr Wendy Sudbury Cambridge Management Group Tel