LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Development of a Database System Harijs Baranovs Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Agency Information Technologies Department Phone:
LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Status Quo Lots of existing databases and information systems in environment, geology and meteorology field in relation to water and air integration of existing and new information systems’ products is very prior task after establishing of LEGMA “Concept for development of common environment, geology and meteorology information system” adopted in December, 2005
LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Information domens relevant to the project
LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Overall structure of information processing in LEGMA
LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Developing new information system(s) Circumstances that must be considered: –to find the place and task in the common IS structure, to detect the relationship with other information systems –to define the output products and the potential users and applications –to ensure quality control and to use standarts for development process (documentation, user manuals) –to guarantee interoperability (bussines, technical and semantic levels) with other information systems
LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Technical implementation information should be maintained in one place – the most closly to the place of origin. Other systems should use this information based on different attributes depending on the tasks and goals. common global classification (coding) system must be used where applicable all information should be geo-refferenced to be able to apply GIS technologies (data acqusition, modelling, presentation of the results etc.) interoperability with de facto standards in LEGMA: Oracle, ESRI Arc/Info or ArcView.
LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Common classification River streams and catchments Lakes / reservoirs / ponds (10ha and larger); Water bodies (temporary); Water abstraction sites; Monitoring sites (temporary); Wastewater outlets; Water supply boreholes; Aquifer; Administrative and territorial units in Latvia; Geographic grid systems (EMEP, etc.); Contamination substances
LATVIAN ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGY AND METEOROLOGY AGENCY © LEGMA 2006 Workshop of the Twinning project on Water Quality, Sept , Potential applications of GIS in the project data acquisition from other information systems when data queries are based on spatial relationships computing of models for grided data sets (layers), cross tabulating different areas, calculation of distance from/to objects and area of objects etc. the platform for model automatic or semi-automatic computing presentation of the results in the way of thematic maps LKS-92 coordinate system (geodetic coordinates) and TKS-93 projection must be used. Common GIS reference data should be used in all project activities.