East Area Secondary Beam Control User Guide L.Gatignon / AB-ATB 12 June 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

East Area Secondary Beam Control User Guide L.Gatignon / AB-ATB 12 June 2008

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 2 From where The East Area secondary beam lines are controlled from the EBCR. This room is located on the first floor, above the T10 control room, downstream of the T11 area. You can access this room easily from the big gate (Porte 18) on the Bldg 251/252 side.

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 3 Tools for Beam Control There is a PC for magnet control (both beam and spectrometer magnets) and detector readout A series of racks allows to control collimators, vacuum, access signals from the barracks and get timing signals

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 4 COLLIMATORS For users: For experts: VACUUM CONTROLDRIFT CHAMBERS

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 5 TIMING AND OTHER SIGNALS Communication with user barracks Communication with APRON (primary beam electronics and RP barrack) Timing distribution Two more racks provide timing signals and connections with the user barracks

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 6 Magnet and detector control Magnets are controlled via “working sets” and “knobs” Detectors (scintillators and delay wire chambers) are controlled via the “applauncher” program Folder with reference settings and general info Beam control PC (user: eaop passwd: ) Magnets and detectors are controlled and read from the Linux PC in the EBCR

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 7 Magnets: Before you start Use the Console manager to start working. Two versions exist: the Java one and the X-windows version. The X-windows one is becoming obsolete and will disappear in due course. Select by clicking in the desktop. Java: X-windows: In the X-windows version, you must first define a user via “Set PLS” from the “Context ” menu. Select EASTA (3) as User

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 8 Magnet currents Each magnet is controlled by a “knob” All the magnets of a beam line are grouped in “Working sets” Java X-windows

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 9 Magnets: Working sets The working sets allow to open knobs and to issue commands on several knobs at a time Select by clicking or by Edit – Select all Then Control – Open Knobs or Control – Pow – Standby, Reset, ON or OFF From the Java console manager you can open the working set via the working set launcher: e.g. WorkingSets – T9. If asked, select EASTA

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 10 Magnets: Knobs Via the Control menu you can switch a rectifier On, Off, Reset or go to Standby. Normally it is not needed to switch OFF a rectifier, Standby is sufficient. Changes of polarity are made while in Standby. Changes of current in the same polarity do not require standby. Change the current using the little arrows or by typing the current for the active rectifier (the one with the red rectangle – ZT9.QDE5 in the example)

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 11 Magnets: Which current? Lists of currents for each energy are available in the green folder. Whenever you change energy, all currents must be modified using the knobs. Normally the sign of the current corresponds to the sign of the beam particles (except possibly for ZT9.QFO03 – ask your liaison physicist) Please check carefully that you are changing the right rectifier in the right beam! ( In each knob the name of the magnet contains the name of its beam line, e.g. ZT9.BHZ1) Do not use the currents in the old printed User manuals. They are obsolete. Please consult the liaison physicist if you have special beam requirements, e.g. different focusing of the beam.

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 12 Detector readings The intensity and steering of the primary beam on the production target can be checked via the MEASUREMENT working set The scintillators and delay wire chambers in the experimental areas can be read via the “applauncher” application. F61N for North target, ZT7 for South target MSC = SEM counter, nom. rate ~20 (x10 10 ) MTEL = 90 o telescope nom. rate ~few 10 3

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 13 Detectors: The application Launcher Open a Local Xterm (by clicking on the Desktop) and type applauncher. A window like on the left hand side appears. Launch BXSCINTSE for the scintillator reading and BXDWCGUIE for the Delay Wire Chamber readout. Both are in the EAE domain.

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 14 Detectors: Scintillator readings The GUI shows the Counts of all four scintillators. There is on in each beam line, called e.g. T9_SCINT The counts are updated for every EAST cycle. The ones on T9, T10, T11 will only see beam for EASTA cycles, the one on T7 only for EASTC cycles and provided that the beam is operated in secondary mode (rather than for IRRAD). Name of your beamCount rate per PS East cycle

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 15 Detectors: Delay Wire Chamber profiles  The GUI for Delay Wire Chamber profiles is still under development.  One chamber per beam (X and Y planes)  E.g. Device 2020 refers to the horizontal (X) profile, 2021 to the vertical (Y) profile of T10.  A preliminary screen shot with test data is shown on the left hand side (i.e. no beam).  The scale is in millimeters For profiles T7: T9: T10: T11:

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 16 Example (for defocused beam in T9): Change device (chamber/plane) via File → Change device

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 17 Collimator control Find the crate controlling the collimators in your beam line If you want to open to (-x, +y) mm, dial 50+x/2 and 50+y/2 with the thumbwheels Push on the red STROBE buttons The final position in mm is shown on the LCD screens. Push STROBE again if the setting reached is not precise enough. The horizontal collimators usually define  p/p with typically  p/p=±1% for ±5 mm gap (see User manual). The vertical collimators control the angular acceptance and hence the beam flux and the divergence at your detector. Check in the green folder xy Thumbwheels LCD screens

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 18 Vacuum control The vacuum control is regularly checked by experts from the AT/VAC group. However, the user can check the vacuum in his beam line in case of problems. Typical values are in the few mbar ballpark

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 19 TIMING SIGNALS The detailed documentation is available in the paper document inside the module The North branch (T9, T10, T11) uses EASTA cycles, the T7 line and IRRAD the EASTC cycles. DIRAC uses EASTB. Paper documentation Select the wanted cycles Delay (in msec) from start of PS cycle Signal during full PS cycles selected Pulse at start of extraction (  delay)

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 20 Communication with barracks There are several cable connections between the user barracks and the EBCR. The name of the barrack is written on the blue panels above each patch panel. Please check the labels for the correspondence between the barrack and EBCR connectors

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 21 Information from the PS machine Activate EA Vistar from the General menu in the Java Console Manager: The green dots indicate the Intensity per spill for the different Target telescopes The white curve shows The shape of the spill over Its 400 msec length

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 22 The Vistar on the TV screen shows the overall state of the PS (+ cycles): Magnet current Inst. Intensity Active cycle Cycle intensity Comments from the operators

L.Gatignon, East Area Secondary Beam Controls User Guide 23 Further Information There is a web page: The access system operation is described in Call the CCC (76677) for operational problems (24 hrs/day, 7 days/week) Call your liaison physicist (L.Gatignon, ) for other questions and requests (during working hours )