FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Facilities Advisory Committee Annual Report
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2 Mission of Committee Committee Composition Accomplishments Ongoing Efforts Future Initiatives
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mission of Committee To provide on-going expert oversight and guidance to the Board and Administration regarding District facilities and infrastructure, the impact of the Strategic Plan, the District’s master facilities plan, the District’s 10-year Life Safety Survey Report, and proposed summer and related projects. 3
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2012 – 2013 Committee Members D97 Board Members – Bob Spatz, Denise Sacks D97 Employees – Therese O’Neill, Norm Lane, Penny Sylvester Community Members – Jamil Bou-Saab (Chair), George Beach, Dena Bell, Ralph Muehleisen, Dane Rankin, Dirk Danker, Paul May 4
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Accomplishments Ongoing review of O&M costs Recommended 2012 Summer Projects including new secured entrances at Whittier and Mann Recommended 2012 Playground Projects at Longfellow, Hatch and Beye schools Reviewed Maintenance and Administration Building Options 5/10 Year Capital Plan Review 5
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Playground Improvements Reviewed landscape architecture bids and qualifications; recommend firm to board Reviewed and commented on construction documents for landscape improvements – Special consideration for new ADA requirements Based on a review of construction bids, recommended contractor to board 6
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Maintenance and Admin Building Review of ongoing discussion between Park District and D97 Evaluated renovation and construction options at four sites Developed conceptual plans and cost estimates for four options – Existing D97 site renovation – Park District site renovation – Former Volvo dealership renovation – New construction near Village Hall 7
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5/10 Year Capital Plan Review Ongoing review of 5/10 year Capital Plans Recommendations for long term life-safety and ADA compliance reviews Ongoing review of site improvements including classroom furniture recommendations 8
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ongoing Efforts Further Maintenance and Admin Building concept development – Thorough cost/benefit analysis; determination of space needs and space sharing impacts, energy analysis, review of parking requirements Review of Summer 2012 Capital Projects Continued work on 10 Year Capital Plan Complete analysis of Performance Contracting Phase I savings 9
FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Future Initiatives Energy analysis of school buildings to evaluate options for air conditioning or passive design Provide recommendations for Performance Contracting Phase II Summer 2013 Capital Projects Other items as directed by the Board 10