Planning a website by Jake Snoad There are lots of things to think about when deciding about creating a website…
Designing a Website 1. Topic Hobby Band Club Sports 2. Audience Who are they? Where are they from? What will they want to see? What kinds of info will be needed? 3. Key Terms Wording (Subject Spec) Hot Words/Hyperlinks 4. Layout Pictures Frames Borders Tables Text Boxes 5. General Interface Background (image/colour) Buttons Menus 6. Logo Existing? Your Own? Watermark effect? Small in a corner? 7. Title Font Font Colour Font Size 8. Body Text Font Font Colour Font Size 9. Pictures Of what? From Where? Links? 10. Navigation Order of pages Web Schema Why in order? What links what?
You will now plan your website For homework I asked you to identify what you want to create a website about. You will now put together a presentation using the slides following this one to plan your site ready to build it next week.
1. Topic I have chosen to create a website about… Arsenal football club This is because… I support this football team Ideas… Hobby Band Club Sports
2. Audience The type of person that would visit my site is… people that are a fan of arsenal football club. They will be particularly interested in seeing…the lasted news about the team also there team line up and all of there fixtures and results. Ideas… Who are they? Where are they from? What will they want to see? What kinds of information will be needed?
3. Key Words I will need to use words related to my topic these will include…arsenal, premier league clubs, players names from arsenal football clubs. Ideas… Wording (Subject Specific) Hot Words/Hyperlinks
4. Layout I want my website to include… pictures, frames, text boxes about information of arsenal and also tables. Ideas… Pictures Frames Borders Tables Text Boxes
5. General Interface (what it looks like) In the background I will have…have a picture of the manger faded in the background. I will use tabs to…. Put the fixtures in a tab and also where they are in the league and information as well. My buttons will look like… round with a black colour. Ideas… Background (image / colour) Buttons (square / round/ animated/ picture / change colour)
6. Logo Will your website have a logo? yes Where will it come from? Google images Paste it here… Ideas… Existing? Your Own? Watermark effect? Small in a corner?
7/8. Title & Body Text What will the title be the title will be arsenal fc What type of font/writing will you use? What size writing will it be? The size writing will be 24 and the font of the writing will be Arial rounded Mt bold. Ideas… Font Font Colour Font Size
9. Pictures Paste the pictures you want to use here… Where are they from? Internet
10. Navigation How many pages will you webpage have? 15 What will each of these pages show? All about arsenal