People Sam Madden Daniel Abadi (Yale)Daniel Abadi Magdalena Balazinska (U. Wash.)Magdalena Balazinska
Projects CarTel is a distributed, mobile sensing and computing system using phones and custom-built on-board telematics devices; one may think of it as a “vehicular cyber-physical system”.
Projects CarTel helps applications easily collect, process, deliver, analyze, and visualize data from sensors located on mobile units (mobile phones and in-car embedded devices). Over the past several years, we have developed several versions of CarTel.
Papers NSDI 2011, 2010
Relational Cloud The Relational Cloud project is an MIT- based effort to investigate technologies and challenges related to Database-as-a- Service within cloud-computing.
Cloud-based providers can, thus, leverage several strong selling points, including lower total costs of ownership, zero-configuration, quality of service guarantees, and transparent scalability and elasticity, thus, reviving the lost data management dream of "one size fit all". In order to achieve this, DaaS providers must harness the many technological advances in data management by efficiently exploiting multiple DBMS engines (targeting different type of users) in a self- balancing solution, that optimizes the assignment of resources of large data centers to potentially thousands of users with very diverse needs.
Papers ICDE 12 SOSP 11 SIGMOD 11
Hstore H-Store is an experimental main-memory, parallel database management system that is optimized for OLTP applications. It is a highly distributed, row-store-based relational database that runs on a cluster on shared-nothing, main memory executor nodes.
The goal of the H-Store project is to investigate how these architectural and application shifts affect the performance of OLTP databases, and to study what performance benefits would be possible with a complete redesign of OLTP systems in light of these trends. Our early results show that a simple prototype built from scratch using modern assumptions can outperform current commercial DBMS offerings by around a factor of 80 on OLTP workloads.early results
Papers sigmod 12 VLDB 11 sigmod 10 VLDB 08
Cstore C-Store is a read-optimized relational DBMS that contrasts sharply with most current systems, which are write-optimized. Among the many differences in its design are: storage of data by column rather than by row, careful coding and packing of objects into storage including main memory during query processing, storing an overlapping collection of column-oriented projections, rather than the current fare of tables and indexes, a non- traditional implementation of transactions which includes high availability and snapshot isolation for read-only transactions, and the extensive use of bitmap indexes to complement B-tree structures.
Papers very old, before ‘08?