Juha Mykkänen University of Kuopio, HIS R&D Unit Health Kuopio seminar Brussels, 5 November 2004 SerAPI project: Service-oriented architecture and Web.


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Presentation transcript:

Juha Mykkänen University of Kuopio, HIS R&D Unit Health Kuopio seminar Brussels, 5 November 2004 SerAPI project: Service-oriented architecture and Web Services in Healthcare Application Production and Integration R&D project in the FinnWell programme of the National Technology Agency TEKES, Finland

In this presentation Project overview Goals and activities Collaboration

SerAPI: ideas and goals Enabling technologies: Web services and Service-oriented architecture (SOA) –flexibility (healthcare processes, changing work, different healthcare settings, local requirements) –web technologies, independent implementation solutions in applications, reuse –integration, reduction of overlapping data and functionality, interactivity –open technologies (applicable in heterogeneous environment), utilisation of existing infrastructure, increasing tool support Define information system and application integration needs in healthcare, which can be addressed using software services Define and offer service interfaces in applications and products Define architecture, development process and supporting infrastructure for application production in service architecture Study and select service-oriented software development methods and tools Validate in reference implementations, applications and products Define interfaces and mechanisms for healthcare process measurement and management Continue interface and integration work started in the PlugIT project –especially linked to national and international Common Services standardization

SerAPI viewpoints: how to produce, provide, consume and manage services to.. –Effectively support changing processes and workflows of healthcare organizations.. –with adaptive, reusable and efficiently developed application products and integration solutions… –based on open and coherent services, architecture and efficient infrastructure

SerAPI viewpoints

Project schedule Phase + Timing Focus areas I: 9/2004 – 2/2005 Selection of needs and applications (1.1), Service identification in applications (2.1), Technology studies (3.1), Participants’ objectives (4.3), Collaboration with related groups and other projects (4.5), Collection of models and methods to be used (4.6) I: 3/2005 – 8/2005 Interface definitions (1.1), Architecture definitions (1.2), Migration strategies for applications (2.2), Studies and selections of open interfaces and healthcare-specific standards (2.3), Specification of technology conventions (3.2), Tool studies (3.3) II: 9/2005 – 2/2006 Analysis on standards (1.3), Selection of pilot / implementation tools (3.4) Interface implementations (1.4), Interface standardisation (2.3), Configuration and adaptation mechanisms (2.5), Interface testing studies (1.5), Model-driven methods study (3.5) II: 3/2006 – 8/2006 Interface certification method (1.5), Interface implementations (1.4), Interface testing method development and use (1.5) Applicability in different healthcare settings (2.4), Model-driven methods – selection and framework development (3.5) III: 9/2006 – 2/2007 Introduction in applications and other projects (1.4), Documentation, guidelines (4.2), Education and introduction for participants (4.3), Model-driven methods - introduction (3.5) III: 3/2007 – 8/2007 Evaluation and comparison in different settings (1.6), Education and introduction for participants (4.3), Reports, conclusions (4.6)

Participants Research groups (3) –HIS R&D Unit, University of Kuopio (unit in charge) –Shiftec, Dept. of Health Policy and Management, University of Kuopio –Software engineering, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Kuopio Software vendors (application vendors + infrastructure, 10-13) –application of services to new generation software applications and products integration, adaptability, configuration in different settings –adaptation of applications to service archite, siirtymä- ja kehityspolut architecture enables independence in applications for tools and implementation technologies tools, development productivity, reuse –use of technology standards, development of healthcare standards Healthcare organizations (hospital districts, 2-3) –specifications initiate from the needs and the users and information management in healthcare organizations prioritisation of interfaces, conformance testing, architecture as a tool for information strategy –responsiveness to changes in processes and to local requirements –flexible and measurable support for healthcare processes open interfaces, adaptable solutions

Some related projects and activities Your project?

Further steps / collaboration Applicability of solutions / technologies in various environments (different health care settings, countries) Organisational / regional / national / international initiatives Related projects? –services, interfaces, integration, interoperability –interface standardization –processes  applications / products  infrastructure

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