raconteur (noun) – skilled storyteller Examples: The raconteur at the elementary school told a story to the students. The raconteur educated the children with folktales about life in the old days. Synonyms : Narrator, storyteller, griot, lecturer Antonyms :
rebuttal (noun) – reply to a criticism Examples: The kid had a rebuttal reply to the teacher because she was upset that he was sleeping in class. Tarrons mother offered the lady a rebuttal when she made a comment. Synonyms : Response, refute, negation Antonyms : Ignore, reticent
recluse (adj.) or (noun) – someone who lives in seclusion Examples: The recluse man did not have many friends because he lived alone and was not very sociable. (adj.) The recluse lived by himself and had no contact with his family. (noun) Synonyms : Isolation, secluded, alone, solitude, solitary Antonyms : Open, social, involved, active
reconcile (verb) – to settle a problem Examples: The child tried to reconcile the problems he had with his step mother. When Corrine almost got into a fight Tara tried to reconcile the problem. Synonyms : Solve, rectify, mitigate Antonyms : Exacerbate, detrimental, instigate, provoke
redundant (adj.) – characterized by unnecessary repetition of words or ideas Examples: The students understood the poem because it was very redundant. The teacher was annoyed because the student was redundant when he asked about his grade 10 times. The boy had a bad habit of being redundant. Synonyms : Repetition, repeat, surplus, superfluous, unnecessary Antonyms : Once, necessary, required, needed, taciturn
reiteration (noun) – saying or doing something repeatedly (verb) - reiterate Examples: The students reiteration of the directions upset him. The people were annoyed because of the mans constant reiteration of the events of Synonyms : Redundant, repeat, trite Antonyms :
replete (adj.) – gorged with food, satiated Examples: The pelicans mouth is usually replete. Synonyms : Binge, satisfy, full, hoard Antonyms : Empty, unfulfilled, unsatisfied
renounce (verb) – to give up or to put aside Examples: Catholics renounce a particular habit during the lent season. The president will renounce his position at the next election. Synonyms : To give up Antonyms :
repudiate (verb) – to cast off or disown; to refuse to acknowledge; to deny Examples: I repudiated the fish because I wanted to spare their lives. I will repudiate my mother because she did not let me go to the party. Synonyms : Renounced, disown, ignore, deny Antonyms : Accept, like, appreciate, to own
residual (adj.) – describing the part that is left over Examples: The real estate sold the residual of the property. The residual car parts were scrapped. Synonyms : Left over, scraps, remains, residue, portion Antonyms : whole, total