A little bit of everything
Conditions of Worth
McCrae and Costa
Internal Locus of Control
Superego One of Freud’s 3 structures of personality Morality Principle (Psychoanalysis)
Conditions of Worth Carl Rogers’ term for the conditions one must meet before receiving positive regard (Humanism)
Resistance Freud’s term for when a client does not want to reveal their feelings (Psychoanalytic)
Self-Efficacy Bandura’s term for your ability to succeed (Social Cognitive Theory)
McCrae and Costa Trait Theorists Big 5 Theory-Conscienciousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness, Extraversion
Internal Locus of Control Rotter’s term for when we see ourselves as controlling our environment (Social-Cognitive)
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Personality inventory that can also diagnose mental disorders 567 questions
Projective Personality Test
Secondary Traits
Learned Helplessness
Inferiority Complex
Projective Personality Tests Open ended tests Examples-TAT, Rorschach Ink Blots
Secondary Traits Gordon Allport’s term for traits that are only seen by people who know you well Example-likes, dislikes
Learned Helplessness Martin Seligman’s term for when a person feels like no matter what she does, it won’t make a difference (Social Cognitive)
Humanism Rogers and Maslow Believes in free will and in the potential for growth of healthy individuals; human nature is good
Inferiority Complex Alfred Adler’s term that he emphasized as a driving force for behavior instead of Freud’s sexuality (Psychoanalytic)
Archetypes Jung’s term for universal ideas found in the collective unconscious (Psychoanalytic)
Heritability Traits are inherited (Trait Theory)
The Hodge-Podge
Oral Fixation
Raymond Cattell
Dream Analysis
Social-Cognitive Theory
Hans Eysenck
Rorschach Ink Blots
Oral Fixation Freud’s term for when a person doesn’t overcome the oral stage and becomes fixated on overeating, talking excessively, etc. (Psychoanalytic)
Raymond Cattell Trait theorist who identified 16 source traits
Sanguine One of the four ancient Greek bodily humors “Cheerful”
Dream Analysis Freud’s technique to discover unconscious motivation in therapy (Psychoanalytic)
Social-Cognitive Theory Behavior is shaped by observational learning Recognizes reciprocal determinism (interaction between an observer, his behavior and the environment) Bandura, Rotter, Kelly, Seligman
Hans Eysenck Identified 3 dimensions of personality—1) introversion vs. extroversion 2) emotional stability vs. instability (neuroticism) 3) psychoticism (self-centered, hostile and aggressive vs. socially sensitive, caring) (Trait Theorist)
Rorschach Ink Blots Projective Personality Test
More Random Stuff
Karen Horney
Julian Rotter
Latency Freud’s 4 th stage of Psychosexual Development (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital) Sublimation occurs here-push aside sexual desires to learn new tasks
Karen Horney Neo-Freudian Said Freud was too male-biased Basic anxiety guides our unconscious
Displacement Freud’s defense mechanism Mad at someone, but take it out on someone else (Psychoanalysis)
TAT Thematic Apperception Test A projective test where you tell a story about a picture
Neuroticism Eysenck’s term for Emotional Instability (Trait Theory)
Julian Rotter Social Cognitive Theorist who believes in internal/external locus of control and self-control
Melancholic One of the ancient Greek’s four bodily humors Depressed