Social Impact Measurement Sector Examples Summer 2014
Topics to be covered Setting the Scene How have we got here? Social Housing VfM Healthcare Private v Public Sport and Leisure Funding pressures National charities The value of networks 2
Setting the scene Baker Tilly and Social Impact National firm of accountants Large Provider of Services to the Not For Profit Sector Recognised the growing importance of social impact Belief that impact measurement will be a key tool Completed 50+ projects for an array of organisations 3
Social Housing Four key elements : Value for money Moving from focussing on cutting costs to driving value Provision of additional services Internal decision making Partnerships with local authorities and organisations Stakeholder engagement Stock Transfers HCA guidelines 30 year social value predictions Range of approved measures 4
Healthcare Key elements : Switching the focus from outputs to outcomes Still confusion in some areas Valuing the service delivery Additional services – aftercare, physio etc. Wider impacts – productivity, infection rate Wealth of available data NHS unit cost data Getting what you pay for Private facilities vs public healthcare Rounded services 5
Sport and Leisure Funding cuts Demonstrating value Cashable savings and longer term impacts Refining services Internal decision making Partnerships with local authorities and organisations Healthcare interactions CCGs and funding for additional services Talking a common language Sharing best practice Understanding value Sharing processes 6
National Charities Value of networks National delivery vs local knowledge? Scaling up operations Admin as a roadblock to value? Stakeholder engagement Common language – value Enhancing stories with the numbers Fighting for space Defending positions Increasing remits Spreading the impact 7