Attachment and the Strange Situation Experiment
An infants tendency to seek close, bonded emotional relationships with particular people.
What happened in the Strange Situation Experiment? n A mother leaves the child in the care of a stranger n When the mother returns the child's reaction to the mother is observed.. n d= ( 2:28) d= d=
Securely Attached n The infant seeks out the mother and is comforted by the mom’s presence n % of all babies
Insecurely Attached- Avoidant n The infant avoids the mother upon her return n Approximately 20% of all babies fall into this category.
Insecurely Attached- Ambivalent nTnTnTnThe infant shows resistance to the mother upon her return OR seeks out the mother and then squirms to get away n1n1n1n10 % of all babies
Disorganized n These children are from abusive homes. This can be either physical, emotional or sexual abuse. n 5 % of those tested.
Why does attachment matter? n Secure Attachment = These children respond well to challenges, are social leaders, and are eager to learn. n Insecure Attachment = These children can be socially withdrawn, less curious and assertive.
Attachment and Romance n Secure- Trust others in relationships, form long term bonds n Avoidant- Can become uncomfortable depending on others. Are nervous in intimate relationships. n Ambivalent- Can be anxious about the love of others. May cling or become overly dependent.
The End