Module 50 Schizophrenia 1
2 Schizophrenia – break with reality (psychosis) - lifetime prevalence 1% Symptoms Delusions - false beliefs despite clear evidence to the contrary - delusions of control. - delusions of grandeur. -delusions of reference -delusions of persecution
3 Hallucinations - seeing and hearing things that are not there. Disorded Thoughts - unusual associations Flat Affect or Inappropriate Emotions and Action
4 Subtypes Paranoid Type - delusions of persecution - well organized delusions Disorganised Type - speech disorganisation (word salads) - poorly developed delusions
5 Catatonic Schizophrenia Motor symptoms Waxy inflexibility - remain in same position Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
6 Statistics
7 Causes of Schizophrenia - genetics - triggered by environmental factors (illness, stress) -Dopamine Over activity - Maternal Virus During Midpregnancy Amphetamine Psychosis - drugs that increase dopamine (amphetamines, cocaine, angel dust) increase symptoms in schizophrenics and produce symptoms in normals.
Module 51 Personality Disorders 8
9 - stable (long-term) - extreme personality characteristics - impair functioning and/or social relationships Cluster A: Odd-Eccentric Personality Disorders Paranoid, Schizoid and Schizotypal Disordered Thought Patterns - genetically linked to schizophrenia - no psychosis
10 Paranoid Personality Disorders Feel “everyone and everything is out to get them”. - misinterpret situations in line with this paranoia - intensifies under stress - May act on these feelings. Treatment - Cognitive Therapy to increase self- efficacy for dealing with problems. - does not challenge paranoid beliefs.
11 Cluster B - Dramatic-Emotional Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic Impulsive and Dramatic Show little regard for their own safety of others Total lack of concern for others
12 Antisocial Personality Disorders (Psychopath) -often appear very charming - no remorse or feelings of responsibility for actions. - don’t learn from punishment - impulsive, risk takers, aggressive - often have problems with the law - stalker, violent crimes 2 to 3 % of the population 80% are men.
13 Borderline Personality Disorder - cling to others, overly possessive. - short-term stormy relationships - act impulsively - prone to self-destruction - drinking, drug abuse, self-mutilation, reckless driving and suicide 75% are female. Childhood sexual abuse may play a role Main cause is biological!
14 Cluster C Anxious-Fearful Personality Disorders Avoidant, Dependant, Obsessive-Compulsive Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Rigid behavior, perfectionists, dogmatic & emotionally blocked. - This cluster treated with behavioral Therapy