Chapter 8 Psychological Disorders
Psychological Disorders are behaviors/mental processes that are connected with various kinds of distress or disability
They meet a combination of the following criteria: Unusual behavior Suggest faulty perception or interpretation of reality Suggest severe personal stress They’re self-defeating They’re dangerous Individual’s behaviors is socially unacceptable
Disorders are classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), currently in it’s fourth edition with a text revision (DSM-IV-TR) Categories are suggested to be used to identify “problems with living” rather than diagnose disorders.
Adjustment Disorders Maladaptive reactions to identified stressors. Usually associated with academic, occupational, or social Problem is attempting to define where normal behaviors leave off and abnormal begins.
Phobias Acrophobia: fear of high places Aerophobia: fear of flying Agoraphobia: "fear of marketplace" - fear of open spaces, meeting people, traveling, shopping, traffic, and leaving home. This is the most common phobia. 60% of phobics have agoraphobia. Ailurophobia: fear of cats. It is one of the more common animal phobias. It may be caused by the way cats stare. Animal phobias: fear of an animal becomes an obsession to avoid it Arachnophobia: fear of spiders Claustrophobia: fear of small, confined, or closed spaces Cynophobia: fear of dogs Dementophobia: fear of insanity
Gephyrophobia: fear of bridges Hydrophobia: fear of water Mysophobia: fear of dirt or germs Nyctophobia: fear of dark Ochlophobia: fear of crowds Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes Phobophobia: fear of fear Pyrophobia: fear of fire Thanatophobia: fear of death Xenophobia: fear of strangers
Anxiety Disorders A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation Subjective features: worrying, fear of the worst, fear of losing control, nervousness, inability to relax Physical features: arousal of nervous system, trembling, sweating, increased blood pressure, racing heart
Types of Anxiety Disorders: Panic Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder OCD PTSD Theoretical Views Psychodynamic Learning Social-Cognitive Cognitive
Dissociative Disorders Separation of mental processes such as thoughts, emotions, identity, memory, or conscious. Types: Dissociative amnesia Dissociative fugue DID (aka: Multiple Personality Disorder) Depersonalization Disorder Theoretical Views Psychodynamic Learning
Somatoform Disorders Persistent complaining of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that they have a serious disease. Types Conversion Disorder Hypochondriasis
Mood Disorders Characterized by disturbances in expression of emotions. Types Major Depressive Disorder Bipolar Disorder Theoretical Views Psychoanalytic Learning Cognitive Biological Linking
Cognitive Distortions Linked to Depression(pg 279) All-or-Nothing Thinking Misplacing blame Misfortune Telling Negative Focusing Dismissing the positives Jumping to conclusions Catasrophizing Emotion-based reasoning Shouldisms Name Calling Mistaken responsibility
Schizophrenia A severe psychological disorder that touches every aspect of a person’s life. Positive and Negative symptoms Delusions Grandeur Persecution Reference Hallcinations (auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile)
Types: Paranoid Disorganized Catatonic Theoretical Views Psychodynamic Learning
Personality Disorders Characterized by enduring patterns of behaviors that are inflexible and maladaptive Types: Paranoid Schizotypal Schizoid Antisocial Avoidant Borderline Theoretical Views Psychodynamic Learning Cognitive
Preventing Suicide (pgs ) Most linked to mood disorders More common after stressful event Runs in families At risk: Teenagers College students Older adults (especially white males 65+) Women more so than men Men prefer guns, women sleeping pills