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Carbohydrates Two types : – Simple(sugars) foods – Complex(starches) foods Excellent source of fast burning energy Complex carbs are more healthy Carbs help digest foods Carbs
Fats Two types : Unsaturated(good) – Fish, plant oils, etc… Saturated fats: (bad) – Meat, dairy, oils, etc… Main energy source Fact 2 Fn 1 Fn 2
Proteins Complete – animal sources, such as meat and milk – complete, because it contains all of the amino acids Incomplete – Incomplete because it lacks all amino acids – Are in plant foods and can be mixed together good sources: – Animal products, nuts, seeds, legumes Muscles, organs, and your immune systems – are made of mostly protein
Fibre (fibers) Types – Soluble Slows the rate your absorbs food legumes, barley, fruits, vegetables and leafy green. – Insoluble fibres whole grains, wild rice, corn, wheat bran, oat bran, fruits, vegetables Insoluble fibres pass through your intestines almost completely intact
Vitamins Types – Vitamin A Helps you vision – Vitamin B Helps your body make protein – Vitamin C – Vitamin D
Minerals Are important for a healthy lifestyle Types – Macrominerals – trace minerals Types – Calcium – Iron – Magnesium – Zinc Help you grow, develop, and stay healthy
Bibliography e_body e_body facts_about_carbohydrates.htm facts_about_carbohydrates.htm