What is Knowledge? A definition: Knowledge… the body of truths or facts accumulated in the course of time; certain understanding (as opposed to opinion) TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
Different kinds of Knowledge Knowing How (Skills) … To swim To dance To solve maths problems etc… Knowing That (Information)… It is cold 2+2=4 Obama is US President etc… TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion ToK is most concerned with “Knowing that….”
Different kinds of Knowledge Knowing How (Knowledge by acquaintance) Gaining skills Tacit* Subjective Private Can be shown Can originate in experience May give certainty Baking bread Knowing That (Knowledge by description) Gaining information Articulated* Objective Public Must have reasons/evidence/proof Can originate in experience May give certainty Recipe for baking bread *Tacit: understood without being openly expressed *Articulated: can be clearly expressed in words TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
BeliefsReality TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
BeliefsReality Knowledge Knowledge = justified, true belief TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
Knowledge is not static – it has a history and changes over time. Examples? What guarantee is there that our current understanding is correct? What of our current ‘shared knowledge’ will stand the test of time? TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
Knowledge is true belief that has been arrived at by a ‘reliable process’ (by observation, experiment, reasoning etc). Not just ‘true for me’, but ‘true for all’ (Validity of the justification – ‘poor, unreliable justification’ or ‘excellent, reliable justification’ leading to ‘weaker’ or ‘stronger’ forms of knowledge) Knowledge = justified, true belief Belief-knowledge continuum -10 | Impossible -5 | Unlikely 0 | Possible +5 | Probable +10 | Certain BeliefKnowledge Doubt TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
1.Christopher Columbus arrived America in Human beings are descended from apes 3.Murder is wrong 4.Aliens have visited earth at some time in its history 5.All metals expand when heated 6.Human beings have an immortal soul 7.If A is bigger than B and B is bigger than C, then A is bigger than C TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion Belief-knowledge continuum -10 | Impossible -5 | Unlikely 0 | Possible +5 | Probable +10 | Certain BeliefKnowledge Doubt
Impossible to convince Easy to convince TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
Will believe almost anything… Easy to convince TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion Impossible to convince
TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
Impossible to convince Will believe almost nothing… Easy to convince TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
Good Judgement We need to find a balance between being open to new ideas that challenge our ways of thinking, while keeping in mind than human beings are sometimes willing to believe strange things on the basis of little evidence TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion
TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion The Problem of Certainty How can you be certain that: The sky is blue? Neil Armstrong walked on the moon? Snow is cold?
Origins of Knowledge observation thought family television internet books intuition teachers friends religion etc “What do I know?” “What can I know?” “What should I believe?” “How can I be sure?” “What do I know?” “What can I know?” “What should I believe?” “How can I be sure?” etc dreams feelings experience TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion Truth Tests
Different kinds of Knowledge Different personal characteristics and experiences affect what people know. There are different levels of knowledge: A superficial grasp A good understanding A complete mastery Examples? TaK – Knowledge, Belief & Opinion