EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June EMECO Prototype Policy Information Products
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June What policy needs Policy driven – eutrophication then ecosystem health (GES) OSPAR, UWWTD, ND, WFD, MSFD…others ? Policy questions Environmental status Reference conditions, TBNT, setting assessments into context, distinguishing between anthropogenic and natural causes of measured changes to ecosystem Better met by building partnerships Extending and increasing effectiveness of monitoring leading to more robust assessments based on more and better science based evidence
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June EMECO - European Marine Ecosystem Observatory UK-Cefas, EA, NOC, SAHFOS, AFBI, PML, POL; NL- Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares, NIOZ, Norway-IMR, NIVA; NERSC, Met Off; DE-GKSS, BSH, BE – MUMM, F – IFREMER, RoE – Marine Institute, Denmark–DHI, S - SMHI Builds on existing infrastructure Multi-scale – time & space Supports the Ecosystem Approach EuroGOOS-NOOS project Anticipates EU current & future policy needs EMECO is a an informal European network for integration of monitoring, modelling & research.
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June Towed bodies Ferries Satellites Research vessels Gliders Buoys
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June Ecosystem modelling Norway Bolstering formal assessments of eutrophication Carrying out nutrient reduction scenarios Evaluating indicators Validation with national marine monitoring programme data OSPAR Working Group on Eutrophication Modelling – Widespread capability in ecosystem modelling Collaborative infrastructure in place - OSPAR
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June FerryBox – GKSS;CPR - SAHFOS SmartBuoy – Cefas/RWS Lander - Cefas RV - RWS Visualisation integration tools Integration Information & assessment related products DIAS Data extraction
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June EMECO example product User generated ‘indicator’ maps ‘Agreed’ international map of chlorophyll Transparent information product with estimate of confidence Step towards EU harmonisation Data Integration & Assessment System
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June EMECO Data Tool (EDT) Data Sources Satellite WaveNet (QA) WaveNet (non-QA) SmartBuoy (QA) SmartBuoy (non-QA) ICES EMECO Database User Interface Online Query Tool EMECO Outputs KML (Google Earth) Charts XML (Data) Assessment Maps “Will enable rapid integration and visualisation of multi-national, multi-parameter, and platform data”
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June EDT: Progress to date ICES, SmartBuoy, WaveNet and Satellite (NetCDF) populating the EMECO database from 37 data feeds. Data output to XML (e.g. for GIS)- Untested International ‘assessment’ map - Untested Data output to KML (for Google Earth) - Untested Data graphs/charts - Untested
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June Assessment Map
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June Data Sources Data SourcePhase IPhase II (not funded) ICES National Data IMR Stations IMR Transects GKSS FerryBox Cosyna Stations BSH Stations Marnet Stations NIOZ FerryBox RWS Stations MUMM Satellite products IFREMER Satellite products SmartBuoy WaveNet P Stations Ferry Route CPR Routes Other
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June EMECO example product User generated ‘indicator’ maps ‘Agreed’ international map of chlorophyll Transparent information product with estimate of confidence Step towards EU harmonisation Data Integration & Assessment System
EMECO-NOOS Planning Meeting June EMECO data and GES